The APA Assembly represents and serves the needs of the district branches (DBs) and state associations (SAs) and recommends actions to the Board of Trustees.
To ensure a wide range of voices and ideas, representatives of the Assembly are selected regionally and by special groups determined by the Assembly. The APA Assembly consists of representatives from the DB/SAs and includes resident-fellows, early-career psychiatrists, minority and underrepresented (M/UR) psychiatrists, and representatives from allied organizations approved by the Assembly. Each DB/SA elects its representatives to the Assembly through its own election process.
The Assembly is officiated by a Speaker, Speaker-Elect and Recorder and governed by a Procedural Code of the Assembly (.pdf). The American Institute of Parliamentarians Standard Code of Parliamentary Procedure is used to maintain order during Assembly meetings.
Assembly Officers

Speaker, 2024-2025

Speaker-Elect, 2024-2025

Recorder, 2024-2025
Find Your Representative
Search the Assembly Directory to find your Representative.
Action Paper Central
The action paper deadline for the May 16-18, 2025 Assembly meeting is March 20, 2025. Visit Action Paper Central for more information including the status of governance actions, future meetings, and the path of an action paper.
Governance Meetings
View the schedule of upcoming APA governance and allied organizations meetings.
Additional Resources
- Assembly Directory
- Assembly Orientation (2023)
- Component Directory
- Member Directory
- Contact your District Branch or State Association to obtain election information to become a representative in the Assembly.
- Seven Areas of the APA
- Read about the Assembly in the APA Operations Manual
- Minority and Underrepresented (M/UR) Caucuses