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Membership Committee

The Membership Committee is responsible for membership recruitment and retention activities and reports to the Board.

Within the Membership Committee, there may be ad hoc work groups to carry out specific assignments:

  • Recommend plans, procedures, and policies related to membership matters to the Board
  • Identify and develop strategic plans and materials for membership recruitment and retention, monitor implementation of such plans, and evaluate the outcomes
  • Work with district branches on membership programs and activities of mutual interest and benefit
  • Review proposed new APA benefits/affinity programs or other initiatives to determine their appropriateness for the membership.
  • Review and evaluate existing programs and make recommendations for implementation to the Board.
  • Apply the criteria for membership contained in the Bylaws and the Operations Manual.
  • Receive applications for any class of membership or for advancement or transfer from one class of membership to another where no district branch exists.
  • Receive nominations for Fellows, Distinguished Fellows and recommend actions to the Board.
  • Receive applications for International, Membership and International Distinguished Fellowship and recommend actions to the Board.
  • Review list of members whose dues are in arrears and recommend appropriate actions to the Board.
  • Periodically review the criteria for membership categories and propose changes, as appropriate, to the Board.
  • Monitor the dues structure for the APA and recommend changes as appropriate to the Board.
  • Carry out other actions, as needed, in the interest of the membership and the organization.


Three years; volunteer leaders will be eligible for reappointment for an additional three year term at the conclusion of their first term.

Expected Time Commitment

The Membership Committee officially meets twice a year (at the APA Annual Meeting for three to four hours (in person or virtual); in the fall over two days for one to two hours each (virtual). Additionally, there may be ad hoc meetings throughout the year if there are active work groups and trainings. Volunteers should expect to spend eight to nine hours reviewing Distinguished Fellowship/International Distinguished Fellowship applications, utilizing the approved scoring rubric, between mid-July - early September. Anyone volunteering for a work group should anticipate an additional eight to ten hours per year attending meetings and developing any corresponding work product or recommendations.

Desired Expertise

The desired expertise would include knowledge of membership, either from participation on the Assembly, other components or membership-related district branch work.


Committee members are responsible for attending meetings, responding to email communications on emerging issues between meetings, and reviewing nominations for Distinguished Fellowship and International Distinguished Fellowship using APA's technology platform between mid-July and early September. They also advise on issues related to the application or modification of membership policies or procedures as directed by the Bylaws and/or Operations Manual and review/comment on Assembly Action Papers. Additionally, they may serve on ad hoc work groups formed to support organizational priorities.

The Chair takes on additional leadership responsibilities, including setting meeting agendas, leading meetings, reviewing minutes, and contributing to or promptly reviewing the Membership Committee's reports to the Board of Trustees (March, July, October, and December). Furthermore, the Chair attends and presents updates at the Annual Business Meeting, held in conjunction with the APA Annual Meeting.

Additional Criteria

Individuals with an acute sense of broad needs of the membership, what resources may be of highest value overall and within specific cohorts (i.e. residents, fellows, early career psychiatrists, those nearing retirement, IMGs, etc.)

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