Don’t Miss This Year’s Keynote Speaker: Ashley Judd

Registration for the 2023 APA Annual Meeting in San Francisco is open! Join us in the "Golden Gate City," starting May 20 until May 24 to take part in engaging sessions, lively exhibit hall, networking opportunities, and one of the most beautiful cities in the United States. Not only that, but one of our keynote speakers is none other than Golden Globe winner and Emmy-nominated actress, Ashley Judd.
Known for her roles in "De-Lovely," "Ruby in Paradise," and "Double Jeopardy," actress, writer, and humanitarian Ashley Judd, M.P.A., will be a plenary speaker at the 2023 APA Annual Meeting. Judd has gained worldwide acclaim for her work in human rights, focusing on gender equality and public health. Her work includes such service as a Global Ambassador for both Population Services International and Polaris Project, the chair of the Women’s Media Center Speech Project: Curbing Abuse, Expanding Freedom, and a member of the leadership council of the International Center for Research on Women.
Judd has written about her family experiences with mental illness. In August 2022, she penned a guest essay in the New York Times about her family’s effort to keep police reports related to the suicide of her mother, Naomi Judd, private. Naomi Judd was a well-respected musician who dealt with mental illness for much of her life.
"I hope that leaders in Washington and in state capitals will provide some basic protections for those involved in the police response to mental health emergencies," Judd wrote in the New York Times essay. She added her mother "should be remembered for how she lived, which was with goofy humor, glory onstage, and unfailing kindness off it – not for the private details of how she suffered when she died."
Register today to be in attendance to hear Ashley Judd’s powerful message, learn from leaders and innovators in the profession, network with peers, and visit another beautiful American city. And if you can’t be in attendance in person, you can still take part via our simultaneous virtual option. More information will be made available in the coming weeks.