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Kun-Po Soo Award

The Kun-Po Soo Award, established in 1987, recognizes an individual who has made significant contributions toward understanding the impact and importance of Asian cultural heritage in areas relevant to psychiatry. The award also seeks to encourage scholarship and research in culture-specific mental health issues and treatment needs of Asian populations and to stimulate scientific exchange on transcultural issues. Funded by the estate of Kun-Po Soo, M.D., Ph.D.

Applications open May 30, 2025.

Program Benefits

$1,000, Plaque, Award lecture

Criteria / Eligibility

Any individual who has made significant contributions toward understanding the impact and importance of Asian cultural heritage in areas relevant to psychiatry.

Selection Criteria

The Chair of the Caucus of Asian-American Psychiatrists convenes a selection committee to review nominees.

Nomination / Application Details

  • Nominations can be submitted at
  • An open call for nominations will be published in APA communications.
  • Self-nominations and nominations by a colleague are accepted.
  • Nominations must include the following information:
    • A Letter of Recommendation.
    • The nominee’s current CV and bibliography.

Application Open Date

May 30


August 15


After the APAF Board of Directors confirms the awardees, typically in November.

Award Presentation

Award presented at the APA Annual Meeting during the Kun-Po Soo Award Lecture.


APA Foundation
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