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Benefits for APA General Members

Publications and Journals

APA members stay informed through clinical updates, newsletters, the latest developments in psychiatry, and much more.

  • American Journal of Psychiatry

    The American Journal of Psychiatry is the most widely read psychiatric journal in the world and considered essential for practicing psychiatrists. It is also a free benefit to APA members.

  • Psychiatric News

    Psychiatric News is the primary and most trusted source of information about developments in the field of psychiatry that impact clinical care and professional practice. Subscriptions to the print and online news outlet is free for APA members ($348 value). 

  • Psychiatric Services

    Psychiatric Services is the peer-reviewed journal features research reports on issues related to the delivery of mental health services, especially for people with serious mental illness in community-based treatment programs. APA members received discounted subscriptions ($43 value). 

  • 20% Discount with APA Publishing

    APA Members received a 20% discount on over 700 books through APA Publishing, including special member pricing for journals and subscriptions.

  • Online Newsletters

    APA Members receive exclusive access to email newsletters, including Psychiatric News Update, APA Advocacy Update, APA Headlines, Integrated Care Newsletter, Psychiatric Practice, and Managed Care.

  • Podcasts

    APA Members receive free access to all APA podcasts, including AJP Audio, Psychiatry Unbound, Finding Our Voices, and Psychiatric Services: from Pages to Practice.

  • Focus: The Journal of Lifelong Learning in Psychiatry

    Focus is a journal that offers clinical reviews and original research for practicing psychiatrists to keep abreast of significant advances in the field. APA members get a discounted subscription ($249 value).

Practice Tools

Access the tools and resources you need to thrive in practice.

  • Clinical Practice Guidelines

    Clinical Practice Guidelines

    APA practice guidelines provide evidence-based recommendations for the assessment and treatment of psychiatric disorders and are intended to assist in clinical decision making by presenting systematically developed patient care strategies in a standardized format.

  • Practice Management Helpline

    Practice Management Helpline

    APA's Practice Management Helpline provides one-on-one assistance to APA members on a wide variety of day-to-day practical issues that arise in managing a pratice: reimbursement, contracting with managed care companies, coding, documentation, and more.

  • Coding Services

    Coding Services

    The Current Procedure Terminology (CPT) code set is used to denote the medical and surgical procedures and diagnostic services rendered by clinicians under HIPAA.

  • Find a Psychiatrist Database

    Find a Psychiatrist Database

    Enroll with APA's Find a Psychiatrist locator that helps patients find and connect with you, and is searchable by geographic region and other criteria.

  • PsychPro: APA's Mental Health Registry

    PsychPro: APA's Mental Health Registry

    CMS-certified (2017) Qualified Clinical Data Registry (QCDR) that will help ease MACRA payment reporting requirements, avoid payment penalties, help achieve bonuses, and automatically meet MOC Part IV.

  • Practice Management

    Practice Management

    Dive into a plethora of resources and information covering practice management, professional interests, and more.

Frequently Asked Questions

View answers to frequently asked questions by current, former, and prospective members.

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Please contact the Membership Specialist for your region regarding any questions about prospective membership, your current membership account and/or payments.

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Medical leadership for mind, brain and body.

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