Publications and Journals
APA members stay informed through clinical updates, newsletters, the latest developments in psychiatry, and much more.
American Journal of Psychiatry
The American Journal of Psychiatry is the most widely read psychiatric journal in the world and considered essential for practicing psychiatrists. It is also a free benefit to APA members ($327 value).
Psychiatric News
Psychiatric News is the primary and most trusted source of information about developments in the field of psychiatry that impact clinical care and professional practice. Subscriptions to the print and online news outlet is free for APA members.
Psychiatric Services
Psychiatric Services is the peer-reviewed journal features research reports on issues related to the delivery of mental health services, especially for people with serious mental illness in community-based treatment programs. APA members received discounted subscriptions ($159 value).
American Journal of Psychotherapy
APA's peer-reviewed, interdisciplinary journal published quarterly. Free online subscription for RFMs ($225 value).
Focus: The Journal of Lifelong Learning in Psychiatry
Focus is a journal that offers clinical reviews and original research for practicing psychiatrists to keep abreast of significant advances in the field. APA members get a discounted subscription ($267 value).
25% discount on over 700 books through APA Publishing
Includes special member pricing for journals and subscriptions.
Psychiatric News Residents' Forum
Connect with fellow residents and read about pertinent topics in the world of psychiatry.
American Journal of Psychiatry Residents’ Journal
Forum for medical students, psychiatry residents, and fellows. The purpose of the Journal is to share ideas and experiences in training, clinical practice, research, and careers with colleagues.
In-person and Live Learning
Supplemental Education and Training (SET) Program
Online experience designed to help you build knowledge around the milestones to meet the requirements of the seven (ACGME) Core Competencies and helps you successfully transition to practice.
Learn MoreAPA Annual Meeting
Hear from experts on emerging trends and research that will impact your practice, participate in powerful conversations, and interact with psychiatrists and mental health advocates from around the world.
Learn MoreResident and Medical Student Poster Competition
Resident and medical student poster competition provides opportunities to share your research projects and practice experiments at the Annual Meeting.
Learn MoreCareer Development and Tools
Access the tools and resources you need to thrive as you transition into your career.
Surviving Psychiatric Residency Training
Includes tips to advocating and negotiating for yourself to a roadmap for your admission and progress notes and dealing with managed care in the outpatient setting.
APA JobCentral
The leading online career center for psychiatry, serving more than 37,400 physician members.
APA Member Directory
Access to the online international and U.S. membership directory. -
APA Caucuses
Promote communication and networking among member psychiatrists who share a special interest so that they may bring attention to important or emerging issues to APA, patient care and the practice of psychiatry.
Listservs and Member Communities
Through your APA membership you can build new and lasting connections with specialized communities of your peers.
Frequently Asked Questions
View answers to frequently asked questions by current, former, and prospective members.

Contact Your Membership Specialist
Please contact the Membership Specialist for your region regarding any questions about prospective membership, your current membership account and/or payments.
Stay Connected
Manage your email preferences here by logging into your APA account and selecting Communication Preferences.