Featured Benefits
How We Advocate for You
APA champions psychiatrists' interests on federal, state and local levels. APA Advocacy has led to the addition of 1,200 Medicare-supported GME positions, and continuance of the REDI Act to provide student loan aid to residents.
How We Advance Your Career
SET for Success has 60+ online courses, free for Resident and Fellow Members. SET is designed to supplement and complement psychiatric training and education, and focuses on topics like psychiatric practice, treatment and care, and special populations.
Publications and Journals
APA members stay informed through clinical updates, newsletters, the latest developments in psychiatry, and much more.
American Journal of Psychiatry
This is one of the most widely read psychiatric journals in the world, is the journal that most psychiatrists consider essential, and is also FREE to APA members.
Psychiatric News
Through this publication members have access to the latest research reports, up-to-the-moment news about APA, services, programs, and educational materials at no additional cost ($362 value).
American Journal of Psychotherapy
APA's peer-reviewed, interdisciplinary journal published quarterly. Free online subscription for RFMs ($255 value).
Psychiatric Services
Free online subscription to this monthly journal focusing on the delivery of behavioral health services in organized systems ($107 value).
American Journal of Psychiatry Residents’ Journal
Forum for medical students, psychiatry residents, and fellows. The purpose of the Journal is to share ideas and experiences in training, clinical practice, research, and careers with colleagues.
Free Subscriptions to online newsletters and Podcasts
Psychiatric News Update, Integrated Care Newsletter, AJP Audio, Psychiatry Unbound, and Finding Our Voice.
Focus: The Journal of Lifelong Learning in Psychiatry
Focus is a journal that offers clinical reviews and original research for practicing psychiatrists to keep abreast of significant advances in the field. APA members get a discounted subscription ($249 value).
25% discount on over 700 books through APA Publishing
Includes special member pricing for journals and subscriptions.
In-Person and Online Learning
Policy & Practice Insights Series
Curated with care, this live webinar series unveils pivotal policy changes, delivers timely updates, and unlocks practical insights from subject matters experts.
Learn MoreMembers Course of the Month
APA members have free access to a monthly on-demand CME course on a popular topic
Learn MoreResident and Early Career Leadership Track
Helps you with the non-clinical aspects of your career development. Covers the full breadth of psychiatric topics, with a focus on the most pressing issues facing your practice and patients.
Learn MoreMindGames Residency Competition
MindGames is APA's national residency team competition that challenges residents on patient care and medical knowledge.
Learn MoreAPA Annual Meeting
Hear from experts on emerging trends and research that will impact your practice, participate in powerful conversations, and interact with psychiatrists and mental health advocates from around the world.
Learn MoreResident and Medical Student Poster Competition
Resident and medical student poster competition provides opportunities to share your research projects and practice experiments at the Annual Meeting.
Learn MoreSupplemental Education and Training (SET) Program
Online experience designed to help you build knowledge around the milestones to meet the requirements of the seven (ACGME) Core Competencies and helps you successfully transition to practice.
Learn MoreResources for Transitioning to Practice
Access the tools and resources you need to thrive in your transition to practice.
Provides you with access to travel awards, fellowships, scholarships, and other research funding opportunities.
Practice Management Helpline
Receive help on a wide variety of day-to-day practical issues that arise in managing a practice: reimbursement, contracting with managed care companies, coding, documentation, and more.
Clinical Practice Guidelines
Evidence-based recommendations for the assessment and treatment of psychiatric disorders.
Psychiatry Residency Training Program Vacancies
A great resource for residents who are looking for fellowships or to switch residency programs.
APA JobCentral
The leading online career center for psychiatry, serving more than 38,900 physician members.
Coding Services
The Current Procedure Terminology (CPT) code set is used to denote the medical and surgical procedures and diagnostic services rendered by clinicians under HIPAA.
Networking & Engagement
APA works with policymakers on Capitol Hill, in the Administration, and at the state level to shape legislation and regulations that advance our profession and promote the highest quality of care for our patients.
Learn MoreAPA Caucuses
Connect and network with member psychiatrists who share special interests, and bring attention to important or emerging issues in patient care and the practice of psychiatry.
Learn MoreOnline Membership Directory
Search and connect with fellow APA members, APA Assembly representatives, APA Component members, District Branches and Administration.
Learn MoreResident-Fellow Member Community
Your access to this community provides you with a professional space to discuss emergent issues, share resources, and give and receive advice and support to one another.
Learn MoreLeadership Opportunities
Opportunities exist at the national, district branch/state association, and chapter levels for all members.
Learn MoreDiscounts and Services
APA members receive a myriad of discounts and services through our affinity partnerships.
- Malpractice insurance program administered by American Professional Agency, Inc.
- Auto and home insurance program through Travelers Insurance
- Nationwide pet insurance
- Long-term care resources
- Long-term care global
Travel Savings Center
- Car rental discounts through Avis and Budget
- Hotel discounts
- Group travel discounts
- Ticketing
- Cruises
Frequently Asked Questions
View answers to frequently asked questions by current, former, and prospective members.

Contact Your Membership Specialist
Please contact the Membership Specialist for your region regarding any questions about prospective membership, your current membership account and/or payments.
Stay Connected
Manage your email preferences here by logging into your APA account and selecting Communication Preferences.