Featured Benefits
How We Prepare You for Residency
APA's Summer Medical Student Program participants learn about various psychiatric subfields and receive mentorship from psychiatric residents who can assist them through experiential advice on academic and professional goal setting.
How We Connect You
PsychSIGN connects medical student members across the country to their peers, psychiatry residents, and practicing psychiatrists from a broad range of subspecialties and provides mentoring opportunities, resources for well-being and career, and ideas for expanding interest groups.
Publications and Journals
APA members stay informed through clinical updates, newsletters, the latest developments in psychiatry, and much more.
American Journal of Psychiatry
This is one of the most widely read psychiatric journals in the world and is the journal that most psychiatrists consider essential. Medical Student members receive free online subscriptions.
Psychiatric News
Through this publication members have access to the latest research reports, up-to-the-moment news about APA, services, programs, and educational materials. Free online subscription for Medical Student members ($327 value).
20% discount on over 700 books through APA Publishing
Includes special member pricing for journals and subscriptions.
In-Person and Online Learning
Resident and Medical Student Poster Competition
Resident and medical student poster competition provides opportunities to share your research projects and practice experiments at the Annual Meeting.
Learn MoreAPA Annual Meeting
Hear from experts on emerging trends and research that will impact your practice, participate in powerful conversations, and interact with psychiatrists and mental health advocates from around the world.
Learn MoreCareer Development Resources
Access the tools and resources you need to thrive as you transition into your career.
SAMHSA Summer Medical Student Program
Gives participants the opportunity to learn from world-renowned psychiatrists, receive invaluable academic resources, explore content in the award-winning APA Learning Center, and partake in the organization’s annual meeting.
Future Leaders in Psychiatry Program
Designed to increase the number of underrepresented minorities (URM) medical school applicants interested in psychiatry and create a more equitable psychiatric workforce.
A Roadmap to Psychiatric Residency
This guide provides a global overview of the residency application process and information about subspecialty specialization.
APAF Helping Hands Grant
Funds projects that are created and managed by medical students and can be conducted in partnership with community agencies, or in conjunction with ongoing medical school outreach activities.
Psychiatry Residency Training Program Vacancies
A great resource for medical students who are looking for residency programs with openings.
Networking & Engagement
Mentoring networks and career development sessions at the Annual Meeting.
What is Psychiatry?
Psychiatry is the branch of medicine focused on the diagnosis, treatment and prevention of mental, emotional and behavioral disorders.
Learn MoreBuilding a Career in Psychiatry
Explore what it takes to provide medical leadership for mind, brain and body.
Learn MoreResident’s Guide to Surviving Training
The Guide offers practical advice on more than 50 topics - ranging from surviving on call and writing effective notes, to subspecialty training and negotiating for your first job.
Learn MoreDiscounts and Services
APA members receive a myriad of discounts and services through our affinity partnerships.
- Malpractice insurance program administered by American Professional Agency, Inc.
- Auto and home insurance program through Travelers Insurance
- Nationwide pet insurance
- Long-term care resources
- Long-term care global
Travel Savings Center
- Car rental discounts through Avis and Budget
- Hotel discounts
- Group travel discounts
- Ticketing
- Cruises
Frequently Asked Questions
View answers to frequently asked questions by current, former, and prospective members.

Contact Your Membership Specialist
Please contact the Membership Specialist for your region regarding any questions about prospective membership, your current membership account and/or payments.
Stay Connected
Manage your email preferences here by logging into your APA account and selecting Communication Preferences.