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Clinical Practice Guidelines

APA Clinical Practice Guidelines provide evidence-based recommendations for the assessment and treatment of psychiatric disorders and are intended to assist in clinical decision making by presenting systematically developed patient care strategies in a standardized format.

APA makes the practice guidelines freely available to promote their dissemination and use; however, copyright protections are enforced in full. No part of these guidelines may be reproduced except as permitted under Sections 107 and 108 of the United States Copyright Act. For permission for reuse, visit our Permissions and Licensing Center. Also, visit PsychiatryOnline to access the guidelines and purchase the complete collection of guidelines and watches.

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Recently Released Guidelines

Prevention and Treatment of Delirium (2025)

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Treatment of Patients with Borderline Personality Disorder (2025)

Legacy Practice Guidelines

Other Practice Guidelines*

Other Practice Materials*

*Disclaimer: APA provides the following links as a service to our members. Listing here does not express or imply endorsement. These resources are not intended to serve as a standard, guideline or clinical policy. The views expressed are those of the authors. The findings, opinions, and conclusions of these resources do not necessarily represent the views the APA or any of its officers, trustees or the majority of its members.

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