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APA Insider Sessions

with CEO & Medical Director Dr. Marketa Wills

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Stay Informed & Engaged with APA Insider Sessions

APA CEO & Medical Director Dr. Marketa Wills headshot

APA CEO & Medical Director Dr. Marketa Wills will hold bi-monthly sessions for APA Members via Zoom webinar. The purpose of the series is to provide ongoing updates about APA’s direction & roadmap and share progress against key metrics. The forum will foster transparency and clarity for members about APA’s organizational direction as it develops over time to respond to the rapid changes in practice and society impacting our patients and profession. It will also aim to both model and foster bi-directional dialogue and feedback collection through Q&A and pulse polls on emerging topics.

Our Next Event

Insights & Updates from APA's CEO & Medical Director

  •  Thursday, August 29
  •  3:00 p.m. ET

Curious about the direction of APA and how it impacts your practice? Want to participate in the conversation as APA looks toward the future of psychiatry? Join APA’s new CEO & Medical Director Marketa Wills, M.D., M.B.A., FAPA for bi-monthly APA Insider Sessions.

Join us on Thursday, August 29 at 3:00 p.m. ET via Zoom for the first event.

Listen in as Dr. Wills provides updates on APA’s initiatives and roadmap and takes questions from members. Register now and be part of the conversations shaping your association’s future.

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Access Members-Only Recordings of Past Webinars

APA Members get free access to recordings of our new APA Insider Sessions, keeping you informed about APA’s efforts, organizational direction, and key initiatives that impact your practice and the broader field of psychiatry.

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