Education & Development
APA Learning Center is the premier location for online psychiatric education with free courses for members.
International Trainees
International trainees can access resources designed to complement their training and education.
Professional Development
Psychiatrists and trainees around the world share their research and case studies at APA meetings.
Professional Membership
Psychiatrists and trainees in any country can join APA and be recognized for their accomplishments.
International Engagement
Psychiatrists and trainees worldwide converge on the APA Annual Meeting to learn and connect.
International Participation
APA members may participate in the scientific sections of the World Psychiatric Association.
Psychiatric journals with international authors and select articles in multiple languages are available.
International Medical Graduates
Topics and guidelines for navigating and transitioning to the U.S. medical system.
600+ titles, including DSM–5 in multiple languages, available online or from international distributors.