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June 01, 2022

Statement from the American Psychiatric Association on Firearm Violence

The American Psychiatric Association (APA) condemns the senseless loss of lives from firearm violence that has become all too common in this country, most recently in mass shootings in Uvalde, Buffalo, Houston and more than 200 other locations across the country in 2022 so far.

May 26, 2022

Dr. Rebecca W. Brendel Takes Office as APA President

Rebecca W. Brendel, M.D., J.D., began her term as President of the American Psychiatric Association (APA) at the 2022 APA Annual Meeting. She has had extensive APA experience, having served in numerous leadership roles, including as chair of the APA Ethics Committee and member of the Board of Trustees, the Committee on Bylaws and the APA Conflict of Interest Committee. Brendel has also served as a member of the APA delegation to the American Medical Association (AMA) and is an APA Distinguished Fellow.

May 25, 2022

American Psychiatric Association Statement on the School Shooting in Texas

Our hearts are broken after the brutal and tragic loss of children and teachers in Uvalde, Texas. We mourn their loss. Tragedies like this, the recent shootings in Buffalo, Houston, and too many other cities in the U.S., are traumatic for those directly impacted and can harm the mental health of others who feel its impact. The American Psychiatric Association offers resources vetted by physicians on coping with these tragedies and talking with children to help them through these events. Please be aware that you are not alone in your feelings and that mental health professionals can help.

May 23, 2022

Después de dos años de COVID-19, la ansiedad de los estadounidenses gira en torno a los sucesos globales, afirma la encuesta anual de salud mental de la APA La salud mental de los niños también es una de las principales preocupaciones

Nueva Orleans, Luisiana, 22 de mayo de 2022. Según la encuesta anual de mentes saludables de la Asociación Americana de Psiquiatría (APA, por sus siglas en inglés), la ansiedad de los adultos con respecto a la COVID-19 está en el nivel más bajo registrado: un 50% indicó que está ansioso por ese motivo. Este porcentaje se ubica por debajo del 65% en 2021 y del 75% en 2020. En cambio, los adultos afirman que están un poco o extremadamente ansiosos por los sucesos actuales que ocurren en el mundo (73%), por mantenerse a sí mismos o a sus familias a salvo (64%) o por su salud en general (60%). 

May 22, 2022

After Two Years of COVID-19, Americans’ Anxiety Turns to Global Events,  Says APA Annual Mental Health Poll

According to the annual Healthy Minds Poll from the American Psychiatric Association, adults’ anxiety about COVID-19 is at its recorded lowest, with 50% indicating they’re anxious about it, down from 65% in 2021 and 75% in 2020. Instead, adults say they are somewhat or extremely anxious about current events happening around the world (73%), keeping themselves or their families safe (64%), or their health generally (60%).

May 22, 2022

Americans Express Bipartisan Support for Solutions to Increase Access to Mental Health Care

In the 2022 Healthy Minds poll released today by the American Psychiatric Association (APA), Americans, whether Democrats, Republicans, or Independents, agree on three APA-backed approaches to improving timely access to mental health care and treatment. Specifically, 75% of Americans supported making it easier to see a mental health professional via telehealth (video or phone), 76% supported making it easier to receive mental health care at their primary care office, and 75% supported funding mental health care professionals to work in rural or urban communities that are traditionally underserved.  

May 22, 2022

Employees Say Workplaces Are Offering Fewer Mental Health Services in 2022, According to APA Poll

As the pandemic wanes, employees report employers are offering fewer mental health services and are more reluctant to address mental health concerns in the workplace, according to the 2022 Healthy Minds poll from the American Psychiatric Association (APA). About half of employees work at home at least some of the time and about one in five works at home all the time. 

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