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August 30, 2023

New APA Poll: Most Americans Believe They’d Know How to Get Help for a Loved One Living with Addiction; Define Recovery as “Being Able to Function Better in Life”

Nearly three in four Americans (71%) say they’d know how to get a friend or family member help with addiction, and most would refer a loved one to recovery treatment (73%) and or initiate a conversation with them about it (74%). As America marks National Recovery Month this September, the majority of adults (65%) said that recovery from substance use disorder or other mental illness means “being able to function better in life,” when asked to choose among a variety of different options.

August 30, 2023

Nueva encuesta de la APA: la mayoría de los estadounidenses cree saber cómo acceder ayuda para un ser querido que tiene una adicción; define la recuperación como “ser capaz de funcionar mejor en la vida”

Casi tres de cada cuatro estadounidenses (81%) dicen que sabrían cómo ayudar a un amigo o familiar con la adicción, y la mayoría referiría a un ser querido a un tratamiento de recuperación (73%) y/o iniciar una conversación con ellos al respecto (74%). En el Mes de la Recuperación, la mayoría de los adultos encuestados (65%) afirmó que recuperarse de un trastorno por consumo de sustancias u otra enfermedad mental significaba “ser capaz de funcionar mejor en la vida”, cuando se les pidió que eligieran entre una variedad de opciones.

August 01, 2023

American Psychiatric Association Releases New Educational Resources on Maternal Mental Health

Annually, one in five childbearing persons in the United States experience a mental health or substance use disorder before, during, or after pregnancy .1-3 To ensure psychiatrists and mental health clinicians are best positioned to respond to this need, the American Psychiatric Association (APA), with support of the CDC Foundation, has released a series of educational materials for addressing perinatal mental health in its Psychiatric Toolkit. The toolkit includes eight fact sheets for clinicians and patients, a white paper and a four-part webinar series covering this understudied and underserved area of mental health. These materials can be accessed at APA’s Perinatal Mental Health website.

June 30, 2023

APA Journals Ranked Highly on Latest Scientific Literature “Impact Factor”

The American Psychiatric Association (APA)’s journals were well-represented in the latest edition of the Journal Citation Reports (Clarivate Analytics © 2023), in which journals are assigned “Impact Factors.” Impact Factor is a bibliometric calculation that describes the level of influence a journal’s published output has on the scientific literature by measuring how many times the work it publishes is cited by others.

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