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Committee of Tellers

The functions of the Tellers Committee are to:

  1. The Committee Chairperson and CEO and Medical Director approve ballots prepared by administration.
  2. Certify the date on which amendments to the Bylaws and referenda shall be effective unless another effective date is specified on the ballot.
  3. Review and approve procedures used by administration for processing ballots for computer vote count. The Committee, usually meeting via conference call, reviews all ballots on which votes have not been properly executed and determines whether such votes shall be included in the final vote count.
  4. Certify the accuracy of the final vote count, after which the members of the Board, officers of the Assembly and all candidates are sent the results and a letter or email stating that these are the results the Tellers Committee will recommend to the Board for its acceptance, with the proviso that the results are not official until the Board accepts them at its next meeting.
  5. Prepare a report of the election results, which shall be made available to members upon request. At the Annual Business Meeting, the Committee reports the results of the voting and the membership.


One year; volunteer leaders will be eligible for reappointment for an additional three year term at the conclusion of their first term.

Expected Time Commitment

The Committee's work is largely done via email communications with a virtual meeting in early February to certify the election results.

Desired Expertise

Good attention to detail and reviewing/editing experience.


Members are expected to attend meetings virtually and participate actively in the work of the Committee. This includes responding to requests, reviewing materials, and completing tasks in a timely manner.

Medical leadership for mind, brain and body.

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