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Committee on Bylaws

The functions of the Committee on Bylaws are:

  • Maintain a continuing study of the structure of the organization.
  • Receive from the Board, or from the Secretary, proposed amendments to the Bylaws.
  • Propose amendments to the Bylaws to the Board.
  • Exercise an advisory function on meaning and interpretation of a proposal or resolution. The committee has no authority to interpret the Bylaws or to adjudicate on the constitutionality of a proposal but is often consulted by reason of its familiarity with those documents. The Board has requested the committee to continue to actively examine the Bylaws, bringing it into conformity with current practice. The Board has also adopted a policy that, whenever possible, the Chair or a member of the Committee on Bylaws should be included in component discussions that might lead to changes in the Bylaws.
  • Any amendments to the Bylaws must be reviewed by the Committee on Bylaws to ensure that the change will not adversely impact inclusion of Minority/Underrepresented Representative (M/UR) Assembly Group members among Component membership reflecting the known demographics of APA membership. Information regarding amendments to the Bylaws can be found in the Bylaws and in Appendix D-1 of the Operations Manual, "Election Procedures and Guidelines."


Three years; volunteer leaders will be eligible for reappointment for an additional three year term at the conclusion of their first term.

Expected Time Commitment

The Committee meets when direction is received from the Board of Trustees, so their work depends on Board Actions. All meetings are virtual.

Desired Expertise

Familiarity with the APA Bylaws. Governance and association experience preferred.


Members are expected to attend meetings virtually and participate actively in the work of the Committee. This includes responding to requests, reviewing materials and contributing to reports, and completing tasks in a timely manner.

Additional Criteria

The Bylaws Committee maintains a continuing study of the structure of the organization and proposes amendments to the Bylaws to the Board.

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