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Committee on Judicial Action

The function of the Committee is to make recommendations to the Board of Trustees regarding appellate cases that the APA should participate as amicus or support DB/SA participation as amicus. When there are time constraints, requests from the Committee on Judicial Action may go directly to the Board of Trustees after consultation with the chair of the Council on Psychiatry and Law.


Three years; volunteer leaders will be eligible for reappointment for an additional three year term at the conclusion of their first term.

Expected Time Commitment

The Committee on Judicial Action officially meets as a full Committee two times per year (Spring and Fall), either in person or virtual. In addition, the Committee hosts a joint meeting with the Council on Psychiatry and Law each Fall. In addition, Committee members are tasked with reviewing draft briefs and providing input on amicus opportunities as they arise throughout the year. The timing of such opportunities is not predictable, and they often require urgent response.

Desired Expertise

Expertise on diverse psychiatric issues, including forensic psychiatry is desired. General knowledge of how legal process operates is also helpful.


Committee members are expected to participate in all meetings of the full Committee and to actively review briefs and provide input on amicus opportunities as they arise between such meetings. Committee members may also themselves monitor developments and identify amicus opportunities for APA’s participation on relevant issues.

Additional Criteria

A willingness to review requests and briefs and provide input on a quick timeframe is needed for successful participation on the Committee.

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