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Committee on Practice Guidelines

The Committee on Practice Guidelines provides close oversight of various practice guideline related projects and is responsible for actualizing the work of the projects. The specific charge to the Committee includes:

  1. Defining the APA guideline development process and ensuring adherence to the process.
  2. Identifying areas in which patient care and clinical decision making can be optimized by evidence based recommendations, and selecting and prioritizing topics for practice guidelines.
  3. Providing direction and advice on issues arising during guideline development and the work of guideline writing groups.
  4. Approving submission of finalized guidelines to the APA Council on Quality Care, Assembly, and Board of Trustees for Association approval.
  5. Providing expertise and education in evidence based guidelines development to APA members and components as well as other professionals in the mental health field.
  6. Advocating for development, dissemination, and implementation of practice guidelines and promoting educational and training efforts to assist patients and clinicians in health care decisions.


Five years; volunteer leaders will be eligible for reappointment for an additional five year term at the conclusion of their first term.

Expected Time Commitment

The Committee meets once a month (currently the third Tuesday of every month at 3:00 p.m. ET). Calls are generally one hour. There may be additional hours to review materials in preparation for calls. This varies based on the agenda.

Desired Expertise

Committee members should have experience with clinical practice guidelines, this could be developing them, using them for teaching, etc. Knowledge and familiarity with guideline development, systematic reviews, and evidence-based medicine is important. Interest in the future of guidelines, how they are used in practice, and improving the development process are important too.


Committee members are responsible for overseeing the development, dissemination, and implementation of APA clinical practice guidelines. They review and vote on process issues/changes, future topics for development based on need and budget, assist in developing a session for the APA Annual Meeting, review and vote on posting outside guidelines and other materials on the guidelines website, respond to requests for endorsements and other related issues, such as amicus briefs, review RFPs and new vendor ideas to help develop and promote guidelines.

Additional Criteria

Diversity in gender, age, practice setting, geography, but also clinical expertise. Generalists are okay but also helpful to have volunteers who may be experts in certain areas so they can weigh in and act as a champion for guideline topics. Members should not have any conflicts of interest.

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