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Committee on Quality and Performance Measurement

The Committee on Quality and Performance Measurement is a reporting component of the Council on Quality Care that includes members with expertise in health systems, services, and quality measurement. This Committee serves as a resource for the Council on Quality Care and the staff in the APA Quality Office for various quality policy initiatives and regulations.


Three years; volunteer leaders will be eligible for reappointment for an additional three year term at the conclusion of their first term.

Expected Time Commitment

  • One hour long monthly call.
  • Average of one to two hours each month to review, with higher demand around times when comments on CMS rules are due.
  • One to two hours per month if you volunteer to serve on external workgroups.

Desired Expertise

  • Experience with Quality Measures.
  • Experience with implementation of Measurement-Based Care tools.


  • Serving as experts on anything related to quality measures.
  • Helping promote Measurement-Based Care.
  • Serving on external workgroups such as Core Measures Quality Collaborative, NQF, Partnership for Quality Measurement, CMS, etc.

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