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Council on Addiction Psychiatry

The Council on Addiction Psychiatry is charged with:

  • Being liaison to the American Academy of Addiction Psychiatry (AAAP) to address mutual interests and priorities and advance shared goals.
  • Providing psychiatric leadership in the growing field of prevention and treatment of addictive disorders.
  • Developing and clarifying the role of the psychiatrist in the prevention and treatment of addictive disorders.
  • Formulating policy recommendations related to prevention, education, treatment, and research in addictive disorders.
  • Considering important developments in basic knowledge, treatment, methodology, treatment systems, and related matters in the field of addictive disorders, and dissemination of that knowledge.
  • Enhancing the quality and quantity of medical education in addictive disorders, at all educational levels, including undergraduate, residency, fellowship, and continuing medical education.
  • Providing additional liaison support to medical, educational, consumer interest, and governmental organizations interested in alcohol and other drug problems.
  • Collaborating with other Councils and components of the APA on common issues related to the role of psychiatry in addictive disorders.


Three years; volunteer leaders will be eligible for reappointment for an additional three year term at the conclusion of their first term.

Expected Time Commitment

Bi-monthly meetings and work on deliverables outside of Council meetings.

Desired Expertise

The Council's upcoming projects and therefore desired expertise would involve topics of gambling disorder, social media and technology addiction, and genetic testing/genetic origins of addiction.


Leaders on the Council initiate involvement in the review of position statements, creation of background and resource documents, and bring their unique job perspectives to group discussions. Group leaders should encourage and reach out to fellows and ECP members who may look to them for guidance on the Council or otherwise.

Medical leadership for mind, brain and body.

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