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Council on Advocacy & Government Relations (CAGR)

The Council will serve as an advocacy hub for APA membership and components. CAGR will act as connecting body for federal, state and grassroots advocacy activities and galvanize/facilitate membership efforts on behalf of all impacted by psychiatric conditions and issues pertinent to APA members. The Council will collaborate with other components and APA staff to develop advocacy-related deliverables (e.g. action papers, resources documents, trainings) and leverage tools and skills for active, well-informed advocacy engagement).


Three years; volunteer leaders will be eligible for reappointment for an additional three year term at the conclusion of their first term.

Expected Time Commitment

The Council meets monthly on the fourth Wednesday, 5:00 - 6:00 p.m. ET. Workgroups meet on an as needed basis depending on the project.

Desired Expertise

Council members should have an interest in/experience with advocacy at the federal, state, or grassroots level. Key advocacy issues currently include mental health parity, care integration, health equity, workforce development and scope of practice.


Leaders on the Council are involved in the review of position statements, development of background and resource documents, liaising with other Councils and more. Members are expected to take action on advocacy priorities, engage with their federal and state representatives, and collaborate with other Councils and colleagues to increase APA member engagement.

Additional Criteria

Geographic, demographic, practice setting and political diversity.

Medical leadership for mind, brain and body.

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