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Council on Geriatric Psychiatry

The Council focuses on the special needs of older adults and thus stands at the interface of psychiatry with other medical specialties. It recognizes that integration of care is vital to the well-being of our patients. The Council accomplishes its goals by initiatives related to education, research, and clinical care in geriatric psychiatry. The specific areas that continue to require significant input by the APA, as embodied by the Council on Geriatric Psychiatry, include:

  • Providing leadership in geriatric psychiatry.
  • Working collaboratively with other professional and advocacy groups to develop best practices in geriatric psychiatry.
  • Providing education and training to other physicians (including, but not limited to psychiatrists, residents, and medical students) at scientific meetings and in other settings about the special needs of geriatric populations with mental illness.
  • Evaluating existing public policy, services and third-party funding mechanisms for psychiatric care of older adults.
  • Developing educational materials on the needs of persons who are mentally ill older adults and about the role of psychiatrists in meeting those needs:
    • These materials may be targeted for medical and non-medical audiences.
  • Supporting and/or leading ongoing efforts to improve the recruitment of psychiatrists into geriatric psychiatry fellowship programs.
  • Identifying and implementing research into end-of-life issues and advance care planning, especially for people with mental illness, including populations of cultural, racial, and religious diversity.
  • Working with other components and/or organizations on health care policy initiatives in geriatric psychiatry:
    • The evaluation and design of delivery systems, models of care, and payment mechanisms aimed at promoting high degrees of quality and cost-effectiveness for geriatric populations.
  • Helping the APA advocate at the federal and state level, and in public forums, for greater attention to excellence in end-of-life care, which includes psychiatric and psychosocial interventions.
  • Developing APA position papers on geriatric psychiatry.
  • Collaborating with the APA Council on Medical Education and Lifelong Learning to identify and/or create curricula for trainees and practicing psychiatrists on psychiatric aspects of palliative care.
  • Creating mutual objectives and work collaboratively with other professional and advocacy societies to develop recommendations for quality geriatric psychiatric care end of life care.


Three years; volunteer leaders will be eligible for reappointment for an additional three year term at the conclusion of their first term.

Expected Time Commitment

Monthly meetings and work on deliverables outside of monthly meetings.

Desired Expertise

Members should have expertise in psychiatric illnesses unique to the geriatric population and older adults, in a variety of care settings.


Members are expected to join monthly meetings and actively participate in work group meetings/deliverable development outside of monthly meetings (largely over email).

Medical leadership for mind, brain and body.

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