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Council on Healthcare Systems and Financing

The Council works closely with the APA and its components in proposing changes or modifications in public and private policy affecting access, funding, and quality of psychiatric and mental health services nationally and regionally.​

The Council on Healthcare Systems and Financing is charged with:

  • Working to foster parity and other non-discriminatory policies for mental health coverage.
  • Articulating and advocating for adequate funding and reimbursement for psychiatric and other mental health services in all settings.
  • Commensurating with the burden of disease and disability.
  • Monitoring and evaluate emerging trends in healthcare delivery and financing, including trends in both the public and private sector.
  • Articulating and promoting adequate resources for appropriate standards of care, including identifying both regions and patient populations lacking in access to psychiatric and mental health services and recommending strategies and/or mechanisms for addressing workforce shortages and other barriers to accessing quality care.
  • Working to foster the integration of the delivery of psychiatric and mental health services with the delivery of primary care services, which will involve the development of multiple models of care.
  • Collaborating with other APA components involved in carrying out effective educational programs in the area of healthcare delivery and finance.​
  • Desseminating, broadly, information to membership on developments relating to healthcare systems and financing through articles in Psychiatric News and other APA publications as well as through programs at the Annual Meeting and at regional meetings, as appropriate.


Three years; volunteer leaders will be eligible for reappointment for an additional three year term at the conclusion of their first term.

Expected Time Commitment

Monthly meetings and work on deliverables outside of monthly meetings.

Desired Expertise

The Council's upcoming projects and therefore desired expertise would involve topics of Psychiatric Observership, E-consults, Artificial intelligence, alternative payment models, etc.


Leaders on the Council initiate involvement in the review of position statements, creation of background and resource documents, and bring their unique job perspectives to group discussions. Group leaders should encourage and reach out to fellows and ECP members who may look to them for guidance on the Council or otherwise.

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