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Council on International Psychiatry and Global Health

The Council on International Psychiatry and Global Health facilitates understanding of problems facing international psychiatrists and their patients. It does so by focusing on international membership in APA, and through increased membership in APA, availing all members of the opportunities in education, advocacy, prevention and clinical care that membership in APA provides. The Council brings to the mission of APA the global perspectives of individual, family, culture, and population-based approaches for understanding mental health well-being and the treatment and prevention of psychiatric illnesses.

Highlights of Responsibilities

  • The Council works with APA leadership and other national and international organizations to increase the international membership of the APA.
  • The Council assists APA in developing partnerships with other organizations to foster the development or expansion of financially beneficial or self-sustaining international programs of use to APA members and their patients.
  • The Council supports the transformation of psychiatric education to include knowledge and skills needed for psychiatric practice and research in global settings. These include skills for population-based research and prevention strategies, as well as skills for engaging remote populations across gaps of language, culture, and social exclusion.
  • The Council assists APA in ensuring that APA policies and positions on international issues are current and appropriate including those affecting global and population health.
  • The Council will collaborate with other APA Councils to develop global strategies for research, mental healthcare finance, and individual, family and population level psychiatric models.
  • The Council promotes human rights advocacy as an essential pathway to mental health and recognizes that there can be no mental health when human rights are violated.


Three years; volunteer leaders will be eligible for reappointment for an additional three year term at the conclusion of their first term.

Expected Time Commitment

The Council typically meets virtually every other month or as necessary on Thursdays, 8:00-9:00 pm ET, and in-person during the APA Annual Meeting.


  • Jan: No meeting
  • Feb: Council meeting
  • Mar: Council meeting
  • Apr: Council meeting
  • May: Council meeting
  • Jun: TBD
  • Jul: Council meeting
  • Aug: No meeting
  • Sep: Council meeting
  • Oct: No meeting
  • Nov: TBD
  • Dec: Council meeting

Time-limited Council work groups are formed as necessary and only meet virtually.

Desired Expertise

Experience and expertise in global mental health education and training, international partnerships and collaborations, human rights advocacy, international medical graduate needs, migration and mental health, and global perspectives in psychiatry and medicine.


  • Active participation in Council meetings, programs, work groups, and action projects.
  • Support the career development of APA/APAF Fellows on the Council.

Medical leadership for mind, brain and body.

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