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Council on Quality Care

The Council Quality Care is charged to monitor developments and carry out activities to ensure that the highest standards and quality of care remain integral parts of the APA mission. This includes but is not limited to monitoring, participating in initiatives, and disseminating information in the following areas:

  • Quality Indicators (national quality measurement enterprise)
  • Standards & Survey Procedures (national accrediting bodies)
  • Psychotherapy by Psychiatrists
  • Patient Safety
  • Practice Guidelines (Committee on Practice Guidelines)
  • Electronic Health Records (Committee on Mental Health Information Technology)

Finally, the Council is charged with overseeing various APA awards, fellowships, and components such as committees, task forces, and workgroups that fall within its purview. Specific content areas of importance to the quality of psychiatric care may be represented by membership on the Council in the absence of a formal APA component.


Three years; volunteer leaders will be eligible for reappointment for an additional three year term at the conclusion of their first term.

Expected Time Commitment

The Council on Quality Care meets virtually about every other month and in-person at the Annual Meeting. The time commitment varies for members based on volunteer commitments on deliverables.

Desired Expertise

Members should have expertise and understanding of quality improvement and interest or experience in at least one of the following areas:

  • Quality Measurement, including MBC
  • Patient Safety
  • Practice Guidelines
  • Telehealth
  • Health IT


Active participation in Council meetings, programs, work groups, and action projects.

Additional Criteria

Geographic, demographic, practice setting diversity.

Medical leadership for mind, brain and body.

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