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Council on Research

The Council on Research carries out activities to ensure that the substance and significance of research on mental health/illness remain integral parts of the APA mission and in the forefront of the national health agenda. The Council carries out or support activities that facilitate the growth and diversity of the psychiatrist-scientists workforce. The Council embodies APA’s commitment to advance evidence-based psychiatric knowledge across a broad range of research fields and issues.


Three years; volunteer leaders will be eligible for reappointment for an additional three year term at the conclusion of their first term.

Expected Time Commitment

The Council meets virtually on a monthly basis (i.e., the third Friday of the month; 11:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.) and in-person for three to five hours at the APA Annual Meeting and the September Components (when it is held). Council members typically spend about three hours/month to review materials in preparation for their meeting or to respond to special requests from APA leadership. For members who serve on one of the Council's three Working Groups, an additional one hour/month is committed to virtual Working Group meetings and another three to five hours/month are spent conducting research to inform topics that are relevant to the field of psychiatry and treating the patients they serve. Some members serve as mentors for the one-year Research Colloquium with at least one hour/month spent on this activity.

Desired Expertise

Members are expected to have active research experience and portfolia. They must have content area expertise related to a broad range of topics in psychiatric care and research. Members are expected to attend at least 70% of the Council meetings to ensure a quorum is present at each meeting. Council members are asked to join one or more of its Working Groups to inform the Council's work. Members must be willing to serve as mentors for the APA/APAF fellows assigned to the Council.


Active participation in Council meetings, its Working Groups, and mentorship programs.

Additional Criteria

Geographic, demographic, and content area diversity.

Medical leadership for mind, brain and body.

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