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Elections Committee

The Elections Committee is charged with establishing (for Board approval) procedures for equitable voting of the membership. Inquiries about possible violations of the campaign guidelines (.pdf) can be made verbally or in writing by an identifiable APA member to the chairperson of the Elections Committee or the Administration Liaison. The Committee may investigate any potential violation of which it becomes aware, with or without a complaint.

The Committee makes inquiries, notifies relevant parties, contacts the candidate and/or supporter for more information, and gives the candidate/supporter the opportunity to respond to the alleged violation. The Elections Committee discourages the concept of leveling the playing field by suspending the rule or allowing the other candidate(s) to also violate the rules. Candidates are made aware of campaign rules and guidelines prior to the election cycle. If a candidate engages in election activity inconsistent with the APA Election Guidelines, the committee will take appropriate action to address the violation with the candidate, including (but not limited to) addressing the violation with the candidate, referring the candidate to the Board to withdraw from the election, or any other appropriate action(s) as determined by the committee. The Elections Committee is charged with enforcing the APA Election Guidelines which has been set forth in conjunction with the Board of Trustees.

The Elections Committee provides a summary of violations of campaign guidelines on the final report of the Elections Committee to the Board of Trustees during its March meeting. The Elections Committee makes no official referrals to the Ethics Committee, but any member may file a complaint of unethical conduct. If a complaint about a campaign violation is filed with the Ethics Committee, the usual procedures for investigating complaints of unethical conduct shall be followed.


Three years; volunteer leaders will be eligible for reappointment for an additional three year term at the conclusion of their first term.

Expected Time Commitment

The Committee's work is most active between October and February. Last minute requests from the chair and staff for a vote or meeting are common, especially during the APA National Election. Most communications occur via email and all meetings are virtual.

Desired Expertise

Familiarity with APA's National Election process and guidelines (.pdf).


Members are expected to attend meetings virtually and participate actively in the work of the Committee. This includes responding to requests and candidate inquiries, reviewing materials and contributing to reports, and completing tasks in a timely manner.

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