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Ethics Committee

The charge of the APA’s Ethics Committe are as follows:

  1. Work with the APA office of General Counsel to ensure that ethical complaints are handled in accordance with the Bylaws Chapter 7 and with The Principles of Medical Ethics With Annotations Especially Applicable to Psychiatry (also see Appendix C of this manual, "Boards and Special Components,").
  2. Monitor the “APA Procedures for Handling Grievances and Complaints of Unethical Conduct" and update as needed for approval to the Assembly and to the Board of Trustees.
  3. Draft annotations to update The Principles of Medical Ethics with Annotations Especially Applicable to Psychiatry and present for approval to the Assembly and to the Board of Trustees.
  4. Respond to members' inquiries about ethical issues and publish as The Opinions of the Ethics Committee on The Principles of Medical Ethics with Annotations Especially Applicable to Psychiatry.
  5. Publish and keep up to date the Commentary on Ethics in Practice. (vi.) Maintain contact with the "ethics network", i.e., the chairpersons of district branch ethics committees by means of mailings, meetings, workshops. (vii.) Provide training to the DB Executives and Ethics Chairs on APA’s Procedures.
  6. Work with appropriate components to develop educational materials. (ix.) Administer Carol Davis Ethics Award for the best publication on ethics.


Three years; volunteer leaders will be eligible for reappointment for an additional three year term at the conclusion of their first term.

Expected Time Commitment

The Ethics Committee meets as a full Committee two times per year (Spring and Fall), either in person or virtual. Committee members also serve on panels to review and resolve complaints in accordance with the procedures, and provide guidance to APA members facing ethical dilemmas in response to requests. Committee members typically spend two to five hours per month on such activities (though the time commitment varies depending on the number of complaints and requests received throughout the year). Further, Committee members participate on workgroups to provide input and prepare guidance materials for the organization.

Desired Expertise

Expertise in psychiatric ethics is necessary. Familiarity with APA’s specific Procedures and/or experience on a District Branch Ethics Committee is desirable.


Committee members are expected to participate in all meetings of the full Committee and to actively participate in workgroup and panel activities. These activities include preparing written panel opinions and other ethics guidance materials.

Additional Criteria

A willingness to provide expertise on psychiatric ethics and to actively engage in drafting written responses to requests for guidance on short notice is necessary to participate on this Committee. Often the requests received require quick (but considered) response from Committee members.

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