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Nominating Committee

The functions of the Nominating Committee are to:

  1. Solicit suggestions for nominees from the District Branches and from the membership, including via a notice in Psychiatric News inviting recommendations.
  2. Ask potential candidates and petition candidates to:
    1. Submit a c.v. with emphasis on current professional activities;
    2. Sign APA's conflict of interest statement
    3. Disclose to the committee any ethics, investigatory or other proceeding past, pending, or current that could negatively reflect on the Association;
    4. Complete a disclosure of interests and affiliations form;
    5. Sign an agreement of the time commitment required for successful participation to fulfill the roles as a member of the APA Board of Trustees;
    6. Submit a Personal Statement or Statement of Intent up to 500 words; and
    7. Submit letters of recommendation.
    (All above information is held in confidence and reviewed by the Nominating Committee as it makes its final selection of candidates). Nominees who are concerned that some past or current conduct might disqualify them from running for an elected APA position should consult with the Chair of the Nominating Committee in advance of the nomination for guidance.
  3. Select at least two candidates for each of the following offices: President-Elect, Secretary or Treasurer in alternate years, Trustee-at-Large (every other year), Early Career Psychiatrist Trustee-at-Large (every 3rd year), Minority/Underrepresented Representative Trustee (every other year) and Resident-Fellow Member Trustee-Elect.
  4. Secure the acceptance to serve, if elected, of each designated candidate.
  5. Report its nominations to the Board by November 1 for vote of the BOT.
  6. In making nominations for any BOT position the Nominating Committee shall ensure that the BOT reflects the diversity of all of APA’s members and shall strive to include candidates in the slate of nominees who are from minority and/or underrepresented groups.
  7. Formally reach out to all Council Chairs, Assembly Leadership and District Branch Leaders to solicit suggestions for Underrepresented minority (URM) psychiatrists appropriate for nominations for national office.
  8. Create a database that will be used annually to track the pool of potential URM nominees for national office that includes individuals suggested in prior years, new recommendations, and those who recently ran for national office or rotated off terms as elected leaders.
  9. Committee members shall maintain absolute confidentiality with respect to any information shared with and among the Committee.


Two years.

Expected Time Commitment

Members should expect to meet monthly during the nominating cycle (July 1-November 1). All meetings are virtual.

Desired Expertise

Social personality with a substaintial member network as they will need to reach out to members to solicit nominations. Familiarity with the APA Board of Trustees and the Board nominations process is preferred. 


Members are expected to attend meetings virtually and participate actively in the work of the Committee. This includes responding to requests, soliciting nominations from the APA membership, vetting applications, and completing tasks in a timely manner.

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