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Political Action Committee

The American Psychiatric Association Political Action Committee (APA-PAC), established in 2001 as a segregated fund, promotes good citizenship through personal and financial participation in the elective process by providing interested eligible persons an opportunity to contribute to the support of worthy candidates for federal office who support the advancement of psychiatry and excellence in the care and delivery of psychiatric services. APA-PAC is empowered to solicit voluntary contributions from:

  1. The dues paying members of the Association with voting rights.
  2. The executive and administrative personnel of the Association.
  3. The families of such members and personnel, as permitted by law. APA-PAC is further empowered to make expenditures and contributions to support candidates for election to federal office in the United States and to support political committees established and maintained by national political parties and others. APA-PAC is further authorized to accept such lawful contributions as it deems appropriate.


Three years; volunteer leaders will be eligible for reappointment for an additional three year term at the conclusion of their first term.

Expected Time Commitment

Monthly meetings and attending in-person APA meetings to promote APAPAC and raise contributions (i.e., Assembly meeting, September Components (if held in person), area meetings, phone solicitations, presentations, etc.).

Desired Expertise

Members should be high dollar APAPAC contributors with an understanding of the political landscape and APA's advocacy efforts. They should be willing to contribute at least $1,000 annually to APAPAC.


Members are expected to join monthly meetings and actively participate in PAC fundraising. They should be willing to attend outside meetings (with their legislators, DB and other psychiatric meetings on behalf of APAPAC, MADPAC forum, etc) periodically.

Additional Criteria

Background in political or charitable fundraising, active engagement as a Congressional Advocacy Network member or other advocacy engagement, history of personal political contributions to federal or state candidates.

Medical leadership for mind, brain and body.

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