News Releases
389 Results
Declaración de la APA reafirmando el compromiso de la psiquiatría de servir a poblaciones diversas y de luchar por la equidad en salud mental
Entre las primeras líneas de la misión de la Asociación Psiquiátrica Americana (APA) se encuentra "promover el acceso universal y equitativo a la atención de la más alta calidad para todas las personas afectadas por trastornos mentales, incluidos los trastornos por uso de sustancias".
APA Statement Reaffirming Psychiatry’s Commitment to Serve Diverse Populations and to Strive for Mental Health Equity
Among the first lines of the mission of the American Psychiatric Association (APA) is to “promote universal and equitable access to the highest quality care for all people affected by mental disorders, including substance use disorders."
Nueva encuesta de la APA: Preocupaciones de los latinos sobre los acontecimientos actuales; la soledad y cómo afrontarla
Los resultados de una nueva encuesta de la Asociación Psiquiátrica Americana (APA) demuestra que, al principio de 2025, los adultos latinos se preocupan mayormente por la economía (71%), la asistencia médica (70%), y la violencia armada (68%). En encuestas anteriores de la APA, la economía y la violencia armada han ocupado sistemáticamente los primeros puestos entre los acontecimientos actuales que causan ansiedad a la gran mayoría de los adultos estadounidenses, independientemente de su raza o etnia.
March Issues of APA Journals Feature Research on Treatment of Depression and OCD, Digital Mental Health Innovations, and More
The latest issues of two American Psychiatric Association journals, The American Journal of Psychiatry and Psychiatric Services, are now available online.
APA Statement on Gender Dysphoria and Military Readiness
Whether an individual with gender dysphoria is able to meet the “high standards for service member readiness, lethality, cohesion, honesty, humility, uniformity, and integrity,” quoted in Executive Order 14183 and a subsequent memorandum issued by office of the Undersecretary of Defense on Feb. 26, is a medical, not a political decision and, like other fitness determinations, should be made on a case-by-case basis. The data do not support the general conclusion that a diagnosis of gender dysphoria precludes an individual from meeting these standards or the rigorous mental and physical demands of military service.
Media Advisory: New Polling Data on Loneliness, Experts Available from American Psychiatric Association
While adults feel a strong sense of belonging with friends and family, one-third of Americans say they frequently feel lonely according to a new APA poll.
New Titles Available from APA Publishing Include Guidance on Treating Addiction to Tobacco, Learning and Applying the DSM-5-TR®
American Psychiatric Association (APA) Publishing recently released books on a wide range of topics, from psychodermatology to transcranial magnetic stimulation and studying the DSM-5-TR®. The new titles are primarily intended for use by psychiatrists, psychiatric residents and medical students, social workers, and other behavioral health and mental health professionals.
Leading Physician Groups: Medicaid Program Must Be Protected
For decades, the Medicaid program has provided health care coverage for millions of people, including children and parents, low-income adults, older adults, pregnant patients, individuals with mental health and substance use disorders and individuals with disabilities, in communities large and small, urban and rural.
Mark Rapaport, M.D., is Named APA President-Elect
The American Psychiatric Association (APA) members have chosen Mark Rapaport, M.D., as the medical society’s next president-elect. Rapaport is the Founding CEO, Emeritus, of the Huntsman Mental Health Institute at the University of Utah, the William H. and Edna D. Stimson Presidential Endowed Chair, and professor in the Department of Psychiatry at the Spencer Fox Eccles School of Medicine at the University of Utah.
Media Advisory: Media Encouraged to Attend APA Annual Meeting in Los Angeles
The American Psychiatric Association’s 2025 Annual Meeting features nationally recognized experts in psychiatry and mental health policy, research, and clinical practice. The meeting’s theme is Lifestyle for Positive Mental and Physical Health, will feature more than 450 educational sessions on 50 different topics and more than 1,000 poster sessions.
Statement from the CEO Alliance Expressing Disappointment with Lawsuit Challenging 2024 Parity Final Rules
The CEO Alliance for Mental Health, a group of CEOs of the leading organizations dedicated to improving the lives of people with mental health and substance use conditions, is deeply disappointed by the ERISA Industry Committee’s (ERIC’s) decision to sue the Departments of Labor, Health and Human Services and Treasury to stop the 2024 Mental Health Parity and Addiction Equity Act (MHPAEA) final rule. If successful, this suit poses a setback for the mental health of all Americans, including employees and their loved ones who depend on access to insurance-covered mental health care.
Statement from Leading Physician Groups on Removal of Data and Guidance from Federal Websites
The removal of datasets and guidance from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and National Institutes of Health (NIH) websites to comply with the President’s recent executive order puts the health and wellbeing of patients at risk and makes it more difficult for physicians to provide quality care.