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About APA's Efforts

Professional burnout and mental health vulnerability are significant concerns affecting physicians in training and practicing physicians. Professional burnout can impact physicians’ health and quality of life, the quality of care they provide, and their productivity and workforce participation. Although psychiatrists appear to be less affected than physicians from many other specialties, there is substantial evidence of burnout and vulnerability among psychiatrists, and opportunities to enhance psychiatrist wellness through research, education and intervention. Moreover, psychiatrists are in an ideal position to provide expertise and knowledge to others in the health care professions, especially with regard to distinguishing between burnout and depression and the best approaches to both conditions.

The Committee on Psychiatrist Well-being and Burnout will make recommendations regarding the development of activities and products to facilitate APA's focus on well-being and burnout. In some cases, the Committee will create and or work with administration to develop the product.

The Committee will address the following areas:


Recommend a process to assess members' wellness, professional satisfaction and experience with burnout based on available data.

Resource Document

Work with APA administration to create a resource document that will include a review and summary of relevant research, studies and tools on psychiatrist well-being and burnout. Update the APA position statements on well-being and burnout.


Recommend specific educational activities about physician wellness, including work-life balance, desirable practice parameters, and self-care for APA members, residents, medical students and other physicians.


  • Recommend resources other than education to support members' mental health, wellness and satisfaction. This will include resources for vulnerable psychiatrists.
  • Recommend opportunities to provide support to other medical membership organizations regarding physician well-being and burnout.


Work with communications and publication staff to develop recommendations for a communication strategy that will promote these products and opportunities.

The Committee created a webpage for APA members, to provide education, intervention resources, and gatheedr data about members' professional satisfaction, wellness and burnout.

The Committee on Psychiatrist Well-being and Burnout will work through APA administration, and with Councils, Committees and other experts where needed, and keep the Board of Trustees informed of important milestones and developments. The Committee will coordinate its efforts with the work of allied organizations, including AMA, AAMC, ACGME and NAS, in addressing this problem.

Committee Members

  • Lorenzo Norris, M.D. – Chair
  • Gaurava Agarwal, M.D., DFAPA
  • Batool Kazim, M.D., FAPA
  • Matthew Mosquera, M.D.
  • Marie Soller, M.D., DFAPA
  • Mary Vance, M.D., FAPA
  • Jessica Holliday, M.D., M.P.H.
  • Juan Sosa, M.D.

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