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Well-being Resources

Individual Interventions for Burnout

10 TED Talks for when you feel burnt out

A curated list of experts in burnout science who provide tips on how to bounce back from feeling worn out and exhausted.

Provider Resilience

Provider Resilience™ gives health care providers tools to guard against burnout and compassion fatigue as they provide care to service members, veterans, and their families.

Stanford Medicine WellMD Center

The Stanford Medicine WellMD Center was created in late 2015 to improve the health and professional fulfillment of physicians and other members of the medical teams they lead.

Organizational Interventions for Burnout

APA Toolkit for Well-being Ambassadors

Create change in your community. The APA Workgroup on Psychiatrist Well-Being and Burnout has created the attached PowerPoint slide deck and companion manual to help you advocate for systemic reform in your home institution or organization. The slide deck can be modified to match the needs of your organization as you spread awareness of physician burnout and assist your organization in addressing the wellness and burnout needs within your work community.

Download the Toolkit for Well-being Ambassadors (.pptx)

Download the Manual for Well-being Ambassadors (.pdf)

Download the Well-being and Burnout Handout/Flyer (.pdf)

ACGME Physician Well-being Initiative

The ACGME is focusing on five key areas to support its ongoing commitment to physician well-being: Resources, Education, Influence, Research, and Collaboration. Resources here include webinars on combating burnout and inventories to keep track of various elements in your program’s well-being plan.

Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality- Physician Burnout

An online resource from the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality that details the leading causes and promising interventions for clinician burnout.

American Medical Association Steps Forward™ Initiative

STEPS Forward™ is a practice-based initiative brought to you by the American Medical Association to provide you with proven strategies that can improve practice efficiency and help you reach the Quadruple Aim- better patient experience, better population health and lower overall costs with improved professional satisfaction.

National Academy of Medicine: Taking Action Against Clinician Burnout

A consensus study from the National Academy of Medicine calling upon all disciplines to prevent and mitigate clinician burnout and foster professional well-being for the overall health of clinicians, patients, and the nation.

Physician Interventions for Depression

American Foundation for Suicide Prevention

Physician and Medical Student Depression and Suicide Prevention facts and toolkits geared towards physician mental health.

National Suicide Prevention Lifeline

A national network of local crisis centers that provides free and confidential emotional support to people in suicidal crisis or emotional distress 24 hours a day, seven days a week.

Physician Interventions for Addiction

Federation of State Physician Health Programs

The Federation of State Physician Health Programs (FSPHP) evolved from initiatives taken by the American Medical Association (AMA) and individual state physician health programs, focusing upon rehabilitation and monitoring of physicians with psychoactive substance use disorders as well as mental and physical illness.

International Doctors in Alcoholics Anonymous

International Doctors in Alcoholics Anonymous (IDAA) is a worldwide fellowship of more than 9,900 healthcare professionals, and their families, who strive to help one another to achieve and maintain recovery from addictions.


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