323 Results
Developing a Global Mental Health Curriculum in Psychiatry Residency Programs
As the importance and centrality of mental health becomes apparent within and beyond the health care sector, so will opportunities for psychiatrists to apply their knowledge and skills to meet the growing needs. Through careful attention to the moral imperatives and explanatory models among cultures that differ from their own, psychiatrists have been very successful in engaging local entities and establishing partnerships that incorporate trust, credibility, transparency, and accountability to a
Complementary and alternative medicine in major depressive disorder
Complementary and Alternative Medicine (CAM) is a term used to represent a number of specific treatments with potentially high public health importance and benefits. That which constitutes conventional or mainstream medicine is subjective and evolves over time. “Complementary” refers to approaches that are not considered mainstream or conventional, but are consistent with Western concepts based on the biomedical model. “Alternative” approaches are usually considered outside of the traditio
Position Statement on Use of the Concept of Recovery
Position Statement on Use of the Concept of Recovery
Position Statement on the Endorsement of the U.S. Ratification of the Convention on the Rights of the Child
Position Statement on the Endorsement of the U.S. Ratification of the Convention on the Rights of the Child
Position Statement on Use of the Terms Client and Provider
Position Statement on Use of the Terms Client and Provider
Position Statement on Misogyny and Gender Bias and Their Adverse Effects on the Health of Women
Position Statement on Misogyny and Gender Bias and Their Adverse Effects on the Health of Women
Position Statement on Use of the Principles of Recovery
Position Statement on Use of the Principles of Recovery
The Internet in clinical psychiatry
The goal of this resource document is to address the major areas of the use of the internet in communication with patients and the public in the practice of psychiatry. The rate of change of technological capabilities and their implementation is so rapid that the workgroup believes that it would be inappropriate to promulgate fixed rules for constantly changing situations. Rather, we seek to provide some questions to be considered when implementing any new communication technology with patients
Position Statement on Assessing the Risk of Violence
Position Statement on Assessing the Risk of Violence
Gender identity disorder, Report of the APA Task Force on treatment of
After the announcement of the DSM-5 Work Group membership in May 2008, the American Psychiatric Association (APA) received many inquiries regarding the workgroup named to address the entities included under Gender Identity Disorder (GID) in versions III through IVTR of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders™ (DSM). These inquiries most often dealt with treatment controversies regarding GID, especially in children, rather than issues related specifically to the DSM text and dia
Addressing the Migration Emergency and Human Rights of Haitians
Thousands of Haitians are traveling to the U.S.-Mexico border to seek asylum in the U.S., with many settling in camps after being denied entry. The U.S. government is responding with the deportations of thousands to Haiti. These deportations put Haitians at risk of violence, being unhoused, and even death amid Haiti’s political, economic, and environmental crises.
Cultural Psychiatry as a Specific Field of Study Relevant to the Assessment and Care of All Patients
The comparative study of mental health and mental illness among diverse societies, nations, and cultures and the multiple interrelationships of mental disorders with cultural environments have occupied the interest of individual psychiatrists and psychiatric organizations in the U.S. and abroad for many years. The growth of international collaboration in psychiatry since World War II, the many advances in clinical methods and research, particularly in the last several decades, have greatly enhan