999 Results
Supporting Student Mental Well-Being with Mindfulness Programs
A variety of mindfulness-based programs are increasingly being used in schools to help support and improve students’ mental, emotional and behavioral health. A new study looks at the evidence about their effectiveness.
Can Mindfulness Help with Pain Management?
Many people suffer with chronic pain, and it is a leading cause of disability worldwide. The typical treatment has involved the use of opioids, but they have well-established drawbacks and risks, including the risk of dependence. Many alternatives are being explored and there is increasing research and evidence of the effectiveness of mindfulness interventions in reducing pain.
Seven Ways to Cope with Holiday Stress
Looking ahead to holiday gatherings, events and activities may fill you with anticipation and excitement, along with a little angst. You may feel that build-up of anxiety as the holidays approach. According to a recent APA poll, nearly one in three Americans expects to be more stressed this holiday season than last year.
Lifestyle Psychiatry
We are often reminded that exercise, good nutrition and enough sleep are good for your physical and mental health. Those are among the lifestyle aspects that are part of an approach to psychiatry called lifestyle psychiatry. Lifestyle psychiatry focuses on addressing psychiatric disorders through an integrated, holistic approach to health, which includes recommendations for exercise, diet, sleep and mindfulness practice for helping people manage their psychiatric disorders.
College Students Benefit from Wellness Training
Demand for mental health services at college counseling centers has been on the rise in recent years. The COVID-19 pandemic has had a greater mental health impact on young adults than other age groups. A new study examines the potential of a proactive, preventative approach to building resilience and promoting psychological thriving in students before they experience mental health symptoms.
Boosting the Immune System: An Added Benefit of Psychotherapy
Psychotherapy and other psychosocial interventions can improve the function of a person’s immune system, according to a meta-analysis published in JAMA Psychiatry in June. Immune system strength may be particularly important in helping minimize the potential impact of coronavirus.
Digital Mental Health: What Do Clinicians Need to Know?
As we approach the end of 2022, many of us are thinking about what changes we want to make in the coming year. You may be looking to technology to enable those positive changes through guided meditation apps, digital activity tracking, or positive habit-forming through digital nudges.
Relaxation Techniques for Mental Wellness
“Just relax.” While it sounds simple, it is often quite difficult to calm our minds and relax the tension in our bodies. However, the ability to relax and destress is important for maintaining mental health and can be very helpful for lessening symptoms of many mental and physical health conditions. For example, relaxation can improve focus and mood, improve sleep quality, lower blood pressure and improve digestion.
Culture Corner: The Impact of Film and Poetry on Mental Health with Fiona Fonseca, M.D., M.S.
Dr. Fiona Fonseca is a consultation-liaison psychiatry fellow at the Mayo Clinic in Rochester, Minn. Their current fellowship focuses on transgender medicine and reproductive psychiatry. They have a special interest in cultural psychiatry, psychotherapy, medical ethics, physician well-being, and advocacy.
Connecting Children with Nature to Improve Mental Well-Being
Children and teens face a variety of stressors and concern about youth mental health has increased in recent years. These issues were highlighted in the Surgeon General’s advisories on Protecting Youth Mental Health, Social Media and Youth Mental Health and Loneliness and Isolation. One approach gaining more attention is tapping into the health benefits of spending time outdoors in nature.
Positive Psychiatry: Promoting Well-Being
Positive psychiatry focuses on the positive aspects of mental health. It is defined as the “science and practice of psychiatry that focuses on the study and promotion of mental health and well-being through enhancement of positive psychosocial factors,” in a recent special report in Psychiatric News by former APA President Dilip V. Jeste, M.D. As Dr. Jeste notes, while about 20% of people are affected by mental disorders, “100% of people have mental health including some positive traits. Positiv
Experts Offer Tips for Navigating Mental Health Apps for Youth
Mobile apps for mental health and wellness have changed the way that people—particularly youth—track and care for their mental health. With more than 10,000 mental health–related apps on the market today, d how can mental health professionals help youth navigate their options and decide what usage, if any, is appropriate?