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Haga nuestro test para evaluar su conocimiento y aprender más sobre los diferentes tipos de estigma y cómo pueden afectar a una persona que lucha contra una enfermedad mental.
Reporter Toolkit: Recommendations on Covering the AAPI Community
The unprecedented rise in anti-AAPI* (Asian American and Pacific Islander) hate incidents and crimes that began during the COVID pandemic has taken a heavy mental health toll on the AAPI community — high levels of stress, anxiety, depression, and trauma-related symptoms have been reported. Collective trauma resulting from being targeted has the community reeling and searching for answers. Equally concerning is the fact that this mental health burden is falling on the very group with the lowest r
APA Member Benefit: One-Time Immigration Attorney Consultation
To support International Medical Graduates members, help them navigate their immigration related questions, APA has established a one-time, 30-45 minute consultation opportunity with leading immigration attorneys at no cost to APA members.