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Attend Fellow Poster Sessions

Fellows will have posters presented each day of the conference from Noon to 4:00 PM CDT in Room Hall G. The program for the poster sessions will be announced two weeks before the Annual Meeting. Below is a list of posters by their primary topic:

May Issues of American Psychiatric Association Journals Cover New Treatments, Assessing Crisis Lines, Suicide Prevention, and More

he latest issues of three of the American Psychiatric Association’s journals, The American Journal of Psychiatry, Psychiatric Services and Focus are now available online. The May issue of The American Journal of Psychiatry focuses on treatments, with articles presenting issues related to psychedelics, trichotillomania, social anxiety disorder, schizophrenia, and opioid use disorder.

American Psychiatric Association Publishes Updated Guideline on Eating Disorders and Accompanying Implementation Tools

The American Psychiatric Association (APA) recently published an updated practice guideline for treatment of patients with eating disorders. The guideline provides recommendations on assessment and evidence-based pharmacological, psychotherapeutic, and other nonpharmacological treatments for eating disorders. The Practice Guideline for the Treatment of Patients with Eating Disorders focuses primarily on anorexia nervosa, bulimia nervosa, and binge-eating disorder and includes new tips for scree

APA and Coalition Outline Policy Reforms to Improve Mental Health Care in Criminal Justice System

  • APA Leadership

The criminal justice system bears an alarming share of the load of mental health care in the United States, often placing people with mental illness and substance use disorders in systems that have neither the resources nor the expertise to provide them the care they need. An estimated two million people with serious mental illness are booked in our jails each year. The Bureau of Justice Statistics reports that only a third of inmates with mental illness receive treatment, and for those that do,

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