879 Results
Community Mental Health
Learn about child and adolescent telepsychiatry@s role in community mental health in APA@s Telepsychiatry Toolkit.
Juvenile Justice
Learn about child and adolescent telepsychiatry@s role in juvenile justice in APA@s Telepsychiatry Toolkit.
Team-based Models of Care
Learn about child and adolescent telepsychiatry@s role in team-based models of care in APA@s Telepsychiatry Toolkit.
Cultural Considerations with Youth
Learn about cultural considerations for child and adolescent telepsychiatry@s role in APA@s Telepsychiatry Toolkit.
Behavior Management Training
Learn about behavior management training child and adolescent telepsychiatry@s role in APA@s Telepsychiatry Toolkit.
Research Colloquium for Junior Psychiatrist Investigators
Learn more about the Research Colloquium for Junior Psychiatrist Investigators - a program that provides guidance, mentorship, and encouragement to young investigators in the early phases of their training.
Quality Improvement
The following information is intended as an educational resource for APA members on performance measures and an opportunity for members to provide feedback on this subject.
Model CoCM Legislation
APA has created legislation that would increase access to mental healthcare by having private insurers reimburse Collaborative Care billing codes.
Model Telemedicine Legislation
The federal government, all 50 states, and the District of Columbia have taken action to further insurance coverage of telemedicine since the beginning of the COVID-19 public health emergency. With states reopening, there have been concerns that some of these positive changes such as payment parity with in-person visits, might be revoked. APA listened to the needs of members and patients and developed model telemedicine language for states.
Board-Approved Recommendations on Strategic Planning
APA@s Board of Trustees approved the following recommendations of the Ad Hoc Work Group on Strategic Planning at the Board@s March 2015 meeting.
Mental Health Disparities: Diverse Populations
Racial/ethnic, gender, and sexual minorities often suffer from poor mental health outcomes due to multiple factors including inaccessibility of high quality mental health care services, cultural stigma surrounding mental health care, discrimination, and overall lack of awareness about mental health.