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Mental Health Disparities: Diverse Populations

Racial/ethnic, gender, and sexual minorities often suffer from poor mental health outcomes due to multiple factors including inaccessibility of high quality mental health care services, cultural stigma surrounding mental health care, discrimination, and overall lack of awareness about mental health.

Prolonged Grief Disorder

Grief is a natural response to the loss of a loved one. For most people, the symptoms of grief begin to decrease over time. However, for a small group of people, the feeling of intense grief persists, and the symptoms are severe enough to cause problems and stop them from continuing with their lives. Prolonged grief disorder is characterized by this intense and persistent grief that causes problems and interferes with daily life.

Our Mentors

Meet the lead mentors of the Research Colloquium for Junior Psychiatrist Investigators - a program that provides guidance, mentorship, and encouragement to young investigators in the early phases of their training

Update on 2021 Office/Outpatient E/M Billing and Documentation

CMS has finalized changes to the way office/outpatient E/M codes (99202-99215) will be chosen and documented. Note that the following changes apply only to the office/outpatient E/M services; continue to bill and document as you always have in all other settings.

Digital Mental Health

While there are numerous definitions of mHealth, here we focus on asynchronous mobile technologies, including smartphone apps, text messaging, email, and online forums. The goals of mHealth are to improve health outcomes through convenient, patient-driven access to mental health support and self-management tools.

Patient Advocacy Award

The Patient Advocacy Award recognizes a public figure who champions the rights and needs of persons with mental illness and substance use disorders.

Suicide Prevention

Learn about suicide prevention, including risk factors, warning signs, and what you can do.

Terms of Use

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