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Women Psychiatrists Caucus Chats: A Conversation with Dr. Dionne Hart

In this episode, Dr. Gupta is joined by Dr. Dionne Hart. Dr. Hart is board-certified in Psychiatry and Addiction Medicine. She is an adjunct assistant professor of psychiatry at the Mayo Clinic Alix School of Medicine and was recently elected to the APA BOT as the Area 4 Trustee.

APA Journals Ranked Highly on Latest Scientific Literature “Impact Factor”

The American Psychiatric Association (APA)’s journals were well-represented in the latest edition of the Journal Citation Reports (Clarivate Analytics © 2023), in which journals are assigned “Impact Factors.” Impact Factor is a bibliometric calculation that describes the level of influence a journal’s published output has on the scientific literature by measuring how many times the work it publishes is cited by others.

Fostering Community Inclusion for Recovery for People with Serious Mental Illness

  • Patients and Families, Serious mental illness

Meaningful community participation such as employment, education, recreation and leisure activities, religious and spiritual activities, and engagement in civil life is a critical part of recovering from serious mental illness (SMI). In a session at APA’s Annual Meeting in May, speakers provided an overview of how to promote community inclusion for persons with SMI from a variety of perspectives.

Community Mental Health

Learn about child and adolescent telepsychiatry@s role in community mental health in APA@s Telepsychiatry Toolkit.

Integrative Medicine

Learn more about integrative medicine, the practice of combining conventional medical treatments with non-conventional (“alternative” or “complementary”) ones.


Learn more about treating Hispanic patients experiencing stress and trauma related to changing political and social environments.

Medical leadership for mind, brain and body.

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