979 Results
Working with Muslim Patients
Learn more about how cultural differences affect the mental health treatment and outcomes for treating Muslim patients experiencing mental illness.
APA Foundation Announces Winners of Awards for Advancing Minority Mental Health
The American Psychiatric Association Foundation (APAF) announced the winners of its 2022 Awards for Advancing Minority Mental Health at its annual benefit held in conjunction with APA’s 2022 Annual Meeting in New Orleans.
Agnes Purcell McGavin Award for Prevention
The Agnes Purcell McGavin Award for Prevention recognizes a child and adolescent psychiatrist who has made significant contributions to the prevention of mental disorders in children and adolescents.
Medicaid Work Requirements
On January 11, 2018, CMS issued new guidance for states seeking to tie Medicaid benefits to employment or other forms of community engagement for non-elderly, non-disabled adult Medicaid beneficiaries who are eligible for Medicaid on a basis other than disability. Explore our member resources on Medicaid work requirements.
Americans Express Bipartisan Support for Solutions to Increase Access to Mental Health Care
In the 2022 Healthy Minds poll released today by the American Psychiatric Association (APA), Americans, whether Democrats, Republicans, or Independents, agree on three APA-backed approaches to improving timely access to mental health care and treatment. Specifically, 75% of Americans supported making it easier to see a mental health professional via telehealth (video or phone), 76% supported making it easier to receive mental health care at their primary care office, and 75% supported funding me
Council on Children, Adolescents and Their Families
The Council on Children, Adolescents, and Their Families works to advance the diagnosis and treatment of children and adolescents with mental health problems.
Research & Registry
Research plays a vital role in the understanding the causes of mental illnesses, the development of treatments and preventive strategies, and the promotion mental health.
Philadelphia Inquirer: Shatter the myths about suicide and kids of color
APA CEO and Medical Director, Saul Levin, M.D., M.P.A and APA Department of Diversity and Health Equity Chief, Regina James, M.D. penned an op-ed in the Philadelphia Inquirer, "Shatter the myths about suicide and kids of color."
Future of Psychiatry Work Group Recommendations
At the March 2023 meeting of the American Psychiatric Association Board of Trustees, the Future of Psychiatry Workgroup Recommendations were approved for implementation by the APA Administration.
Coping with Isolation and Social Distancing
In these unprecedented, uncertain times when many of us are isolated, stuck at home and separated from friends and family, fear and stress are natural reactions. With so much of what is happening out of our control, it’s helpful to focus on what you can do to take of yourself and your family. Keep in mind people react to stressful situations in different ways.