992 Results
Workforce Development
APA advocates for the allocation of federal and state resources to provide a robust pipeline of psychiatrists to meet the current and future needs of patients with mental health and/or substance use disorders.
Use of Telepsychiatry in Cross-Cultural Settings
Learn about the use of telepsychiatry in cross-cultural settings in APA@s Telepsychiatry Toolkit.
Understanding Mental Disorders Your Guide to DSM-5
Understanding Mental Disorders is a consumer guide for anyone who has been touched by mental illness.
Addiction and Substance Use Disorders
Learn about addiction and substance use disorder, including symptoms, risk factors, treatment options and answers to your questions.
Proposed Changes
View proposals approved by DSM Steering Committee. The proposed changes are posted for a 30- to 45-day public comment period.
Personality Disorders
Learn about Personality Disorders, including symptoms, risk factors, treatment options, and answers to your questions.
What are Disruptive, Impulse Control and Conduct Disorders?
Learn about disruptive, impulse control and conduct disorders, including symptoms, risk factors and treatment options
APA's Vision, Mission, Values, and Goals
The Vision, Mission, Values, and Goals of the American Psychiatric Association.
What Are Bipolar Disorders?
Learn about bipolar disorder, including types, symptoms, and treatment options
Health Insurance Coverage & Access to Care
As policymakers continue to debate health care reform proposals, APA is committed to legislative solutions that ensure benefits, coverage, medication, and access to substance use disorder treatment.
Could Psychedelics be Used to Treat Mental Illness?
There has been increased interest and research in psychedelics as a treatment for mental illness in recent years. A new review study concludes that while research is still preliminary, psychedelics, such as lysergic acid diethylamide (LSD), show promise for treating conditions including treatment-resistant depression, anxiety and posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD).