982 Results
International Survivors of Suicide Loss Day
Nov. 23 is International Survivors of Suicide Loss Day, a day designated by Congress as a day for those affected by suicide to come together for healing and support. It falls on the Saturday before Thanksgiving each year.
SAMHSA Minority Fellowship Program
Learn more about APA's efforts around diversity in the workforce at psychiatry.org
Lunch and Learn: AI Scribes In The Psychiatric Practice
This session describes key AI technologies include machine learning and natural language processing in the form of dictation devices, streamlined EHR systems, human scribes, and AI scribes.
As Americans Emerge from Pandemic, Many Report Adopting Better Habits, While One in Five Are Smoking or Drinking More
As states lifted masking requirements and infection numbers dropped late this winter, the majority of Americans reported their mood was stable since January (64%) and that the pandemic either hadn’t changed their daily habits (49%) or had changed them for the better (26%). However, nearly three in 10 (28%) rated their mental health as merely fair or poor, and almost a fifth reported that they were smoking (17%) or drinking (18%) more.
What Are Specific Learning Disorders?
Specific learning disorders, or learning disabilities, are neurodevelopmental disorders that are typically diagnosed in early school-aged children, although may not be recognized until adulthood.
Collaborate with Professionals Across the Mental Health Field at the Mental Health Services Conference
The 2024 Mental Health Services Conference is your opportunity to be at the forefront of mental health advancements.
Medicare Fee Schedule
APA's Office of Healthcare Systems & Financing coordinates the activities relating to the AMA CPT Editorial Panel, where CPT codes are developed, and to the AMA RUC, which makes recommendations to the CMS on the values for the procedures defined by CPT codes.
Use of Telepsychiatry in Cross-Cultural Settings
Learn about the use of telepsychiatry in cross-cultural settings in APA@s Telepsychiatry Toolkit.
Clinical Documentation
Learn about clinical documentation for telepsychiatry in APA@s Telepsychiatry Toolkit.
APA Statement on COVID-19 and Health Disparities
Reports are emerging that the novel coronavirus (COVID-19) is disproportionately impacting the African-American community in areas across the United States. In Chicago, for instance, half of those diagnosed with COVID-19 have been black, while African Americans only make up one third of the total population. Seventy percent of the fatalities linked to COVID-19 in Louisiana have been among black people, while this community makes up about a third of the overall population.