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Member Obituaries

American Psychiatric Association honors the lives and legacies of its member psychiatrists and their contributions to mental health and psychiatry. APA hosts member obituaries, submitted by contributors.

Positive Psychiatry: Promoting Well-Being

Positive psychiatry focuses on the positive aspects of mental health. It is defined as the “science and practice of psychiatry that focuses on the study and promotion of mental health and well-being through enhancement of positive psychosocial factors,” in a recent special report in Psychiatric News by former APA President Dilip V. Jeste, M.D. As Dr. Jeste notes, while about 20% of people are affected by mental disorders, “100% of people have mental health including some positive traits. Positiv

Building Resilience at Any Age

  • Patients and Families, Trauma

Resilience is the ability to adapt well to stress, trauma, tragedy or threats; to bounce back from difficult experiences and to overcome adversity. Resilience is a complex and active process, influenced by both genetics and environment with the potential to change over time. It is also clearly a useful and desirable quality as people across the globe cope with the COVID-19 pandemic.

Expert Q&A: Specific Learning Disorders

Specific learning disorders are neurodevelopmental disorders that are typically diagnosed in early school-aged children, although may not be recognized until adulthood.

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