323 Results
Position Statement on Contingency Management for the Treatment of Stimulant Use Disorder
Position Statement on Contingency Management for the Treatment of Stimulant Use Disorder
Mental Health and Climate Change
Climate change is recognized as one of the top threats to global health in the 21st century. Mental Health impacts of climate change are significant sources of stress for individuals and communities. The social and mental health consequences of extreme and slow-moving weather events are well documented, ranging from minimal stress and distress symptoms to clinical disorder, including depression, anxiety, post-traumatic stress, and suicidal thoughts (Arnberg et al., 2013; Fullerton et al., 2013;
Approaches to Youth in Mental Health Crisis
This document provides an overview of contemporary approaches to youth in mental health crises with practical, solution-oriented recommendations. It provides developmental considerations when dealing with youth in crisis, the continuum of existing response models and encourages readers to understand their role in advocacy through clinical vignettes. The resource document emphasizes de-escalation and rapid linkage to clinical evaluation services and supports the APA’s goal of ensuring young peopl
Position Statement on Screening and Treatment of Mood and Anxiety Disorders During Pregnancy and Postpartum
Position Statement on Screening and Treatment of Mood and Anxiety Disorders During Pregnancy and Postpartum
PositionStatement on Psychiatrist Input into the Design and Construction of Psychiatric Evaluation and Treatment Facilities
PositionStatement on Psychiatrist Input into the Design and Construction of Psychiatric Evaluation and Treatment Facilities
Why Should More Psychiatrists Participate in the Treatment of Patients in Jails and Prisons?
People with serious mental illness are substantially overrepresented in the criminal justice system. (Steadman, et al. 2009; Fazel et al. 2016) This results in a higher prevalence of mentally ill patients in correctional facilities than in the community and the high proportion of justice-involved patients in county and state mental health systems. State hospitals that remain after decades of deinstitutionalization have seen their beds fill with large proportions of criminal court commitments whi
Position Statement on Sexual Abuse of Migrants in ICE Custody
Position Statement on Sexual Abuse of Migrants in ICE Custody
Core Principle for Alternative Payment Models for Behavioral Health
The APA’s Position Statement enunciates 10 principles. These are presented below along with their supporting background information. The first principle declares that the predominant goals for behavioral health APMs should be defined as increasing access and improving quality of care for individuals with mental health and substance use disorders (MH/SUDs), in order to improve outcomes.
Seclusion or Restraint
This resource document is intended to support psychiatrists and other healthcare clinicians who may utilize seclusion or restraint.
Position Statement on Mental Health Impact of Public Health Emergencies on Young People
Position Statement on Mental Health Impact of Public Health Emergencies on Young People
Advocating for Anti-Racist Mental Health Policies with a Focus on Dismantling Anti-Black Racism
Racial injustices have long contributed to mental health disparities for minority and underserved populations. More than 50 years ago, Dr. Melvin Sabshin and colleagues documented the “structured pattern of racism” in psychiatry in a series of articles in the American Journal of Psychiatry. Insufficient progress has been made in eradicating institutionalized racism in psychiatry. Race-based disparities in psychiatric care and mental & behavioral health reflect this lack of progress and reproduce
Position Statement on Ensuring Access to, and Appropriate Utilization of, Psychiatric Services for the Elderly
Position Statement on Ensuring Access to, and Appropriate Utilization of, Psychiatric Services for the Elderly