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323 Results

Telepsychiatry for Adults in Jails and Prisons

A guide for psychiatrists interested in or already working with adults who are incarcerated in jails or prisons and for whom telepsychiatry is a current or potential clinical practice. This may also be helpful for psychiatric administrators in correctional facilities who are considering the implementation of telepsychiatry.

Mandatory outpatient treatment

Mandatory outpatient treatment refers to court-ordered outpatient treatment for patients who suffer from severe mental illness and who are unlikely to be compliant with such treatment without a court order. Mandatory outpatient treatment is a preventative treatment for those who do not presently meet criteria for inpatient commitment. It should be used for patients who need treatment in order to prevent relapse or deterioration that would predictably lead to their meeting the inpatie

Non-Emergency Involuntary Medication for Mental Disorders in U.S. Jails

Psychiatrists who work in jail settings will encounter patients for whom the administration of non-emergency involuntary medication is clinically indicated for the stabilization of their serious mental illness. This resource document is intended to guide psychiatrists in decision-making about non-emergency involuntary psychiatric medication administration in U.S. jails by providing background information and highlighting issues for consideration.

Implementation of Measurement-Based Care

A guide to develop resources to help solo as well as small-group psychiatrist practices and health systems including psychiatric care implement measurement-based care into routine practice.

Responding to Negative Online Reviews

The American Psychiatric Association (APA) Ethics Committee occasionally receives inquiries from members who are troubled by negative reviews about them or their practice posted online by patients or other individuals. This often creates a difficult dilemma for the psychiatrist who must respect the patient’s voice but also desires to preserve the integrity of the psychiatrist’s public image. This resource document is offered to provide guidance to psychiatrists regarding receipt of negative onli

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