263 Results
Guidelines to District Branches for a policy on physician impairment
The American Psychiatric Association has resolved to promote the mental and physical health of all physicians toward the goal of insuring optimum care of patients, protecting the public from possible harm by an impaired physician, preventing loss of valuable medical manpower, and helping the impaired physician regain health and productivity. The APA recognizes that psychiatrists, like other physicians, are at risk for impairment by mental and physical disorders, including addiction (or substance
Position Statement on Sexual Abuse of Migrants in ICE Custody
Position Statement on Sexual Abuse of Migrants in ICE Custody
Position Statement on Consent to Mental Health Treatment by Guardians, Health Care Agents or other Legally Designated Surrogate Decision-making for Adults with Mental Illness
Position Statement on Consent to Mental Health Treatment by Guardians, Health Care Agents or other Legally Designated Surrogate Decision-making for Adults with Mental Illness
Resolution Opposing Any Restriction on the Number of International Medical Graduates (IMG) Entering Graduate Medical Training
Resolution Opposing Any Restriction on the Number of International Medical Graduates (IMG) Entering Graduate Medical Training
Risk Management and Liability Issues in Integrated Care Models
Upon full implementation of the Affordable Care Act, it is estimated that more than 32 million Americans will become insured and gain access to mental health and substance abuse services at parity (1). Despite considerable gains in the number of medical school graduates entering the field of psychiatry over the past ten years, it has become clear that the workforce of psychiatrists is not large enough, acting alone, to meet the needs of patients (2,3).
Telehealth Services in the Context of Intimate Partner Violence (IPV): Addressing Potential Risks to Safety and Security
Telehealth services are critical to ensuring that people who experience intimate partner violence (IPV) have access to needed mental health and substance use care. At the same time, accessing services from home when an abusive partner is present can pose safety, security, and privacy risks to survivors of IPV and other household members.
Xenophobia, immigration and mental health
Prepared by the Committee on Hispanic Psychiatrists While prejudice is defined as an evaluation (usually negative) of a social group or individual that is significantly based on their group membership, xenophobia can be considered a form of negative prejudice directed against a national or ethnic group. Historically, xenophobia has been associated with various large scale destructive acts of violence between peoples or by persons against other persons belonging to the “other” group. These in
Position Statement on Hospital Privileges for Psychologists and Other Non-Psychiatrist Mental Health Professionals
Position Statement on Hospital Privileges for Psychologists and Other Non-Psychiatrist Mental Health Professionals
Psychotherapy notes provision of the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPPA) pri
The Final HIPPA Privacy Rule defines psychotherapy notes as an official record, created for use by the mentalhealth professional for treatment, @recorded in any medium…documenting or analyzing the contents of conversation during a private counseling session or a group, joint or family counseling session that are separated from the rest of the individual@s medical record...@ 45 C.F.R. § 164.501 (65 Fed. Reg. at 82805) (emphasis added). The Rule does not protect psychotherapy notes whe
Why Should More Psychiatrists Participate in the Treatment of Patients in Jails and Prisons?
People with serious mental illness are substantially overrepresented in the criminal justice system. (Steadman, et al. 2009; Fazel et al. 2016) This results in a higher prevalence of mentally ill patients in correctional facilities than in the community and the high proportion of justice-involved patients in county and state mental health systems. State hospitals that remain after decades of deinstitutionalization have seen their beds fill with large proportions of criminal court commitments whi
Position Statement on A Call to Action for the Chronic Mental Patient
Position Statement on A Call to Action for the Chronic Mental Patient
Developing a Global Mental Health Curriculum in Psychiatry Residency Programs
As the importance and centrality of mental health becomes apparent within and beyond the health care sector, so will opportunities for psychiatrists to apply their knowledge and skills to meet the growing needs. Through careful attention to the moral imperatives and explanatory models among cultures that differ from their own, psychiatrists have been very successful in engaging local entities and establishing partnerships that incorporate trust, credibility, transparency, and accountability to a