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147 Results

Non-Emergency Involuntary Medication for Mental Disorders in U.S. Jails

Psychiatrists who work in jail settings will encounter patients for whom the administration of non-emergency involuntary medication is clinically indicated for the stabilization of their serious mental illness. This resource document is intended to guide psychiatrists in decision-making about non-emergency involuntary psychiatric medication administration in U.S. jails by providing background information and highlighting issues for consideration.

Physician Health Programs

This Resource Document aims to highlight some important safeguards and best practices for Physician Health Programs (PHPs) for physicians who seek help voluntarily from PHPs as well as those who are mandated participants. These suggestions are intended to help PHPs and their affiliates to align their practices and procedures with the goals of treatment and to minimize the risk of adverse outcomes, both for the public and for the physicians who participate in PHPs.

Risk-Based Gun Removal Laws

In 2014, the American Psychiatric Association (APA) published a “Resource Document on Access to Firearms by People with Mental Disorders,”1 which addressed the complex relationship between firearms, mental illness, suicide, and violence. The document highlighted the limitations of existing legislative strategies, such as the National Instant Criminal Background Check System (NICS), in combating the problems of gun-related suicide and violence in the United States. It noted that registries like N

Physician wellness

Ongoing stressors in the lives of physicians across the life span raise the risk for burnout, stress related illness and impairment. Psychiatrists have a unique vantage point in contributing to the overall health and wellbeing of all physicians. Recent studies have shown that physicians who personally practice healthy behaviors are significantly more likely to advise their own patients to adopt healthy behaviors. It is therefore imperative to promote the overall personal health of physicians at

Abortion and women's reproductive health care rights

Abortion is a fact in the lives of many women. Approximately 20% of American women of childbearing age have already had an abortion, and it is estimated that one out of three American women will have had one by age 45.1 Robinson and colleagues authored a review article entitled “Is there an abortion trauma syndrome? Critiquing the evidence?” (2008)2 that exemplifies the American Psychiatric Association’s position on reproductive rights. Accordingly, the content of this Position Statement is larg

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