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It’s Time to Ring the Alarm During Black History Month
The Congressional Black Caucus’s report on Black Youth Suicide and Mental Health stated it best—we need to Ring the Alarm regarding the crisis of Black youth suicide in America.
APA TV Puts Spotlight on Top Treatment and Research Centers
One of the special experiences of attending the APA Annual Meeting in person is access to informative and engaging content produced by APA TV right from the comfort of your own hotel room. While that experience can’t be replicated this year due to the COVID-19 pandemic, you can still check out some of the segments that APA TV put together this year, which highlight the work of some of our nation’s top psychiatric hospitals and learning institutions.
April Issues of American Psychiatric Association Journals Cover Benefits of Medication for Opioid Use Disorder and Community-Based Treatment for People with Serious Mental Illness
The April issues of two of the American Psychiatric Association’s journals, The American Journal of Psychiatry and Psychiatric Services are available online. Also available is the latest issue of The American Journal of Psychotherapy.
July Issues of American Psychiatric Association Journals Highlight Neuroscientific Advances in Treatment; Provision of Care Among Underserved Populations
The July issues of two of the American Psychiatric Association’s journals, The American Journal of Psychiatry and Psychiatric Services are available online, as is Volume 75, Issue 2 of The American Journal of Psychotherapy.
July Issues of American Psychiatric Association Journals Cover Advances in Social Determinants of Mental Health, Youth Mental Health Screening, AI in Psychotherapy and More
The latest issues of three of the American Psychiatric Association’s journals, The American Journal of Psychiatry, Psychiatric Services and The American Journal of Psychotherapy are now available online.
Mental Health and Men of Color: Addressing Common Misconceptions
The prevailing thinking is that men simply don’t express their emotions, however, this couldn’t be further from the truth. The discrepancy lies in how we define the term “express” as a man may choose to navigate frustration and anger in a quieter and more reserved manner or in a more visibly angry, explicit manner. Both are valid ways of expressing emotion. All men are different and operate along a spectrum of emotional expression.
An App for Therapy? Exploring Digital Therapeutics
In May 2024, the Food and Drug Administration approved the first app for the treatment of depression, Rejoyn. This new smartphone app is intended to help treat people who don’t fully respond to antidepressants and it is expected to be available for patients starting this summer. This is the latest in a series of FDA approvals of digital therapeutics for mental health conditions
Exploring the Potential to Eliminate Traumatic Memories
Erasing or manipulating memories sounds like science fiction, but researchers are moving closer to the ability to target and erase traumatic memories. New advances in the neurobiology of fear memory are leading to potential new approaches to PTSD treatment, including the erasure of traumatic memories.
Examining Mental Health Courts
People with mental illness are more likely to be arrested, to be denied or unable to pay bail, and to have lengthier stays in jails compared to those without mental illness. An estimated 2 million people with serious mental illnesses are incarcerated each year. One approach increasingly being used to help address the problem is mental health courts.
New Poll: While Support for School Mental Health Training is Common, Nearly Half of Americans Don’t Believe Most School Staff Have Received It
As children begin to return to school this month, a new poll from the American Psychiatric Association (APA) shows that 84% of Americans believe school staff play a crucial role in identifying signs of mental health issues in students, but less than half (45%) of Americans believe most school staff have been trained in identifying these concerns.
Frontline Physicians Oppose Texas Legislation That Interferes in or Criminalizes Reproductive Patient Care
America’s leading physician groups are deeply concerned about the consequences of the Texas state law, which took effect yesterday, banning abortions, medical counseling and support related to abortion after six weeks of pregnancy.
Collaboration is Key to Meeting Demand for Mental Health Services
The COVID-19 pandemic has left in its wake a serious mental health crisis, the scope of which is still evolving. Even before the pandemic, demand for mental health care services was extremely high, and increasing by the day. Now, as lockdowns have ended and many pandemic restrictions have lifted in America, COVID is still putting a strain on health care personnel, and the systems they work in. In addition to laying bare the severity of healthcare disparities in our communities, the pandemic has