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What Is Depression?

Depression (major depressive disorder) is a common and serious medical illness that negatively affects how you feel, the way you think and how you act. Fortunately, it is also treatable.


Learn about depression, including symptoms, risk factors, treatment options and answers to your questions.

279 Results

A Presidential Initiative for Mental Health

  • Addiction, APA Leadership, Depression, Patients and Families

The 2020 presidential election will be one of the most consequential in recent memory. Whoever is inaugurated the following January will have to contend with a growing health care crisis, particularly where mental health and substance use disorders are concerned.

Personality Types and Traits Impact How We Cope with Loneliness and Isolation

  • Depression, Patients and Families

A new study looks at the issue of loneliness, a growing public health concern even before the current environment of social distancing and self-isolation created by the COVID-19 pandemic. The study looked at older adults living in senior living communities and characteristics that help some people avoid feeling lonely as they age.

New Research Details Links Between COVID and Mental Health

  • Depression, Patients and Families, Serious mental illness

Several new studies highlight links between mental health disorders and COVID-19. People with mental health disorders and intellectual disabilities are more at risk for contracting COVID and people who have had COVID are at greater risk for developing mental disorders. Understanding these risks can potentially help health professionals and individuals to improve prevention, assessment, and treatment.

What Will Protect Health Care Workers’ Mental Health During the Pandemic? 

  • Anxiety, Depression, Patients and Families

Health care workers have been on the front lines of the COVID-19 pandemic since March, many of them facing very difficult and stressful situations, such as long hours, lack of equipment, unknowns about spread of the virus, and concerns for their own safety and that of their families. Some health care workers have lost colleagues or family members to COVID-19. The mental health concerns the workforce faces are devastating and may linger long after the pandemic ends.  

Can Mindfulness Help with Pain Management?

  • Healthy living for mental well-being, New research, Treatment

Many people suffer with chronic pain, and it is a leading cause of disability worldwide. The typical treatment has involved the use of opioids, but they have well-established drawbacks and risks, including the risk of dependence. Many alternatives are being explored and there is increasing research and evidence of the effectiveness of mindfulness interventions in reducing pain.

7 Tips for Using Social Media for Mental Well-being

  • Healthy living for mental well-being, Patients and Families, Public awareness

Social wellness, a measure of connectedness with family, friends and community, is key in influencing happiness and positive mental health.(1,2) Research has shown social connection to be a protective factor against a host of mental health disorders, from depression to anxiety.(2) The quality and quantity of our social relationships can also impact our physical health.(3)

After College: Facing the Uncertainty of What’s Next and Prioritizing Mental Health Care

It’s one of the biggest transitions that one can experience in life; a piece of paper that embodies the years of hard work, friendships made, mentors gained, and a little bit of fun in between. Most parents dream of this moment: their child walking across a stage and receiving the diploma that opens a new chapter of life. There is much celebration and reward surrounding college graduations, yet why is it that students approaching the end of their college career shudder when they are asked “Are y

New Study Examines Relationship Between Parental Acceptance of Lesbian and Gay Children and Later Life Mental Health

A new study, released today at the American Psychiatric Association’s 2021 Annual Meeting, held online, examines the relationship between parental acceptance of lesbian and gay children’s sexual orientation and their mental health in later life. The study finds that a consistent perspective, even negative, leads to better outcomes for lesbian and gay people, than parents with changing perspectives.

Complicated Grief: When Time Doesn’t Ease the Pain of Loss

  • Depression, Patients and Families

Everyone will experience loss of loved ones in their lives and grief is a natural response. It is also a very individual process. Anniversaries, holidays, and other milestones are often particularly difficult. As painful as the process of grief can be, with support of family and friends, most people go through it without needing the help of a mental health professional. However, some experience severe, prolonged and disabling grief symptoms, referred to as complicated grief.

International Survivors of Suicide Loss Day

  • Depression, Patients and Families

Nov. 23 is International Survivors of Suicide Loss Day, a day designated by Congress as a day for those affected by suicide to come together for healing and support. It falls on the Saturday before Thanksgiving each year.

Sports Organizations Take on Mental Health

  • Anxiety, Depression, Patients and Families

Several professional and elite sports organizations have recently taken action to support their athletes’ mental health and well-being. In May, the NFL and the NFLPA announced a new initiative that will require teams to have a mental health professional on staff. The NBA announced the launch of a new Mental Health and Wellness Program in 2018, beginning with the hiring of a director of mental health and wellness.

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