796 Results
A New Hybrid In-Person/Virtual Annual Meeting Experience
The 2022 Annual Meeting is offering its first hybrid meeting with live sessions in New Orleans and a virtual meeting in June.
Service Dogs Can Be Invaluable in Helping People with PTSD
Posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) affects an estimated one in seven adults at some time in their lives and it affects a large proportion of military members and veterans. In addition to the variety of effective treatments available, people often also use complementary interventions, such as the use of trained PTSD service dogs. These service dogs perform specific tasks that help address PTSD symptoms, such as applying pressure to alleviate anxiety and nudging to interrupt flashbacks
An App for Therapy? Exploring Digital Therapeutics
In May 2024, the Food and Drug Administration approved the first app for the treatment of depression, Rejoyn. This new smartphone app is intended to help treat people who don’t fully respond to antidepressants and it is expected to be available for patients starting this summer. This is the latest in a series of FDA approvals of digital therapeutics for mental health conditions
‘Outbreak’ of Sudden Tics Among Teen Girls
Researchers in several countries are reporting that the pandemic has triggered an increase in the number of teen girls with tic-like behaviors that are severe, frequent and disabling.
Personal Perspectives on Major Depressive Disorder, Part 2
These podcasts include the real-life experiences of people with mental illness and family members. Some of the content includes discussions of topics such as suicide attempts and may be triggering.
Lifestyle Psychiatry
We are often reminded that exercise, good nutrition and enough sleep are good for your physical and mental health. Those are among the lifestyle aspects that are part of an approach to psychiatry called lifestyle psychiatry. Lifestyle psychiatry focuses on addressing psychiatric disorders through an integrated, holistic approach to health, which includes recommendations for exercise, diet, sleep and mindfulness practice for helping people manage their psychiatric disorders.
July Issues of APA Journals Cover New Research on Pharmacogenomics, ADHD Medication Use, Associations Between Mental Health and Cardiometabolic Complications Later in Life, and More
The latest issues of four American Psychiatric Association journals, The American Journal of Psychiatry, Psychiatric Services, American Journal of Psychotherapy and Psychiatric Research and Clinical Practice are now available online.
ADHD in Adults: New Research Highlights Trends and Challenges
Attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is often considered a condition of children and youth, but also impacts many adults. New research is highlighting a number of issues relating to adults with ADHD, including trends in diagnoses, the extent of underdiagnoses and differing experiences among women with ADHD.
American Journal of Psychiatry Review Suggests Unconventional New Path for Alzheimer’s Treatments
As November marks Alzheimer’s Awareness Month, a new review in the American Journal of Psychiatry examines the current state of research on Alzheimer’s disease and potential future directions. Central to the authors’ argument is the unconventional idea that the presence of amyloid and tau are merely biomarkers of the disease, and that treatments focused on them may not improve patient outcomes.
Men, Women, and Differing Responses to Stress
Stress affects people in several ways—it activates adrenaline and other hormones, the nervous system and immune system. While not all stress is harmful, and some can even be beneficial, chronic or toxic stress can contribute to health problems. “Men and women react differently to toxic stress because their brains are wired differently,” notes Bruce McEwen, Ph.D., of The Rockefeller University, * “and therefore they may be at risk for different stress-related illnesses.” For example, as a result
7 Tips for Using Social Media for Mental Well-being
Social wellness, a measure of connectedness with family, friends and community, is key in influencing happiness and positive mental health.(1,2) Research has shown social connection to be a protective factor against a host of mental health disorders, from depression to anxiety.(2) The quality and quantity of our social relationships can also impact our physical health.(3)
Mental Health Parity: New Proposed Rule
On July 25, 2023, the Departments of Labor and Health and Human Services released a proposed rule intended to strengthen enforcement of the 2008 Mental Health Parity and Addiction Equity Act (MHPAEA) and improve patients’ ability to access care for mental health and substance use disorders (MH/SUD). At the same time, the agencies also released a Technical Release, seeking feedback on data requirements related to network composition and a possible enforcement safe harbor; a second Report to Congr